A Blaffair to Rememblack

This is kind of a weird way of putting it but I do think Maddy will last longer than is warranted due to being the first ever cis hetero queen

It’s great that Maddy knows how to sew so well and she’s rightly proud of it but there have been countless straight male fashion designers and she just clearly lacks the “taste level” etc. to match her construction skills. The red look was one of the few times when the “looks off the rack” comment was 100 percent

I didn’t get it either. I guess the answer is supposed to be that Boba forgot exactly what happened with the Jawas etc. It still seems like a strange choice to have the audience know the armor’s not there while the characters look for it

What I hate most is that the speeder bike gang wears vest/”battle jackets” with patches on like earthican biker gangs

If everybody’s unhappy you might also just be doing a bad job

It wasn’t ever said in the movies, but the toy of the ship “which I had as a kid” was market as “The Slave 1" so it’s a Kenner name as well. I’m probably older than your dad

Book of Boba Fett isn’t trying to be prestige TV, though for some reason lots of people seem to think this. It’s very clearly meant to be an homage to 60s/70s/80s TV, mostly Westerns, same as the Mandalorian before it. The difference is that show was good and this one is bad

That dialogue was hilariously bad as it came out but I think they were trying to imply not that Boba was unfamiliar with the idea of hiring muscle but that he didn’t where the market for hired muscle was on Tatooine, like who to talk to, and she was going to help him with that. But I agree it sounded really stupid

I was thinking it would have been cool if she’d played some super fast flashy Van Halenesque sort of thing but maybe Maddy lacked the chops to even play anything like that?

Maddy’s choices were just unbelievable to me. Like, why just do a bit of noodling without the structure of a song or, God forbid, any vocals, even if they were lip synced? All she did was prove she can play guitar but there was literally no showmanship or entertainment aspect to it

Yep. I’m a straight guy and thought the exact same thing

I agree. I didn’t think there was any serious difference between this episode and the first seven episode aside from the downgrade of Lizzo to the always boring Alicia Keys

No one agrees with me but I kind of liked the theme song. It’s not something I’d listen to independently but I thought it weirdly fit the show just right

I was an apologist for the show for the first two episodes. I had some issues with the narrative but I really liked the feel, the music, the visuals, the stop motionesque monster in the first one etc. but this one really made me see it a lot more the way the haters were for the first couple episodes. It was just a

As someone old enough to remember a big part of 70s pop culture was 50s nostalgia (Sha na na, Grease, Happy Days etc.) Lucas had a big hand in it when he did “American Graffiti” in 1973 which was set in 1962 but was basically about nostalgia for the 50s. Star Wars came out in 1977 in the middle of all these trends and

Yes. Lucas is a Boomer. It doesn’t make any of this stuff good

I watch one of those

If you wanna know what kind of TV I usually watch just ask your mom or check the DVR at your house

There was no reason for the scene to exist at all except for the laziest kind of fan service.

Right but the reason such details will not be forthcoming is that if they were provided you’d be getting into types of content that aren’t appropriate for a PG-rated Star Wars TV show. This universe just isn’t equipped to show the nitty gritty of drug dealing or sex work or human trafficking for example. The very