A Blaffair to Rememblack

Star Wars writers in general have no idea how criminal enterprises work or how a rebel army would work or how a quasi-feudal galactic empire would work or how a galactic Senate before that or how trade works or anything. None of these topics, though they are raised, have ever been explored in any kind of depth or

I thought he was new. I’m annoyed that he’s from something else. I’m sick of shit like that

I had no idea about the easter egg and now seeing it explained it adds literally nothing and is completely pointless and stupid, aimed I guess at smooth brained fans who just like seeing boxes ticked off

Yes the whole thing was like a dumbed down dollar store version of Dune with the elements you listed as well as Boba’s drugged out journey being similar to Paul’s experiences with spice

I really agree with Trae about Bosco’s burlesque performance, which was the only big disconnect I had with the episode. The costume was good and the idea was good but the execution was really lackluster. Yes she slowly removed clothing which meets the technical requirements of a “strip tease” but she did in such a

I just watched a bunch of old Drag Race before this and complaining about enunciation has been a Michelle thing for awhile

I agree about the eliminations and previous lack thereof. It’s ridiculous how unwilling Ru has become to actually send girls home on both All-Stars and RPDR. Logo played all the previous seasons in a marathon before this and I think Season 13 had 16 episodes! with as you say very little to show for it. Now I hope Ru

okay buddy

No it’s really not. It’s fairly rare for a series to be brilliant right from the pilot and the shows you listed are exceptions to the rule. They’re basically all all-time classics that are thought of as such partially because they were brilliant from the jump which is not the norm and not at all common. You seem to be

Because it’s kind of like saying “so and so isn’t a good Elizabethan playwright because he’s not as good as Shakespeare” or something

I liked the mediocre but I didn’t like this very much

I was thinking that if Tusken or even Jawa culture maybe were ever portrayed in any depth they might be similar to Fremen maybe?

Yeah I don’t get all these fat jokes. He doesn’t look fat by any normal human standard

It’s kind of unfair to just name a lot of the best shows of the last 20 years or so though

There are a lot of similarities in the two shows but I think the Mandalorian was way better than this premier of BOBF was

Some Star Wars fans want to see every single thing that was ever implied or referenced depicted. I’m not one of those people. But if you are going to depict something it should be an interesting scene in its own regard and this wasn’t. He just did pretty much what you’d expect him to have done

I actually thought it was a pretty good action sequence but I seem to be in the minority

I’m not sure what standard you’re using if you classify the dude as “overweight”

Intellectually I agree with all of your complaints and I think they’re well made but I still liked this episode. Idk maybe it was just nice to have a self-contained smaller scale episode after how ridiculously over the top “Flux” got but I thought it was one of the better Chibnall episodes, which of course isn’t

Everything about the storage unit business was absurd. I don’t know why they felt the need to make  him literally the only customer, which is so ridiculous. Couldn’t they have just said they were doing badly without making it so cartoonish?