A Blaffair to Rememblack

The Lonely Christmas ad was great, one of the best pre-tapes of the season

I was probably not the audience for that TikTok sketch as I’m a heavy heavy consumer of TikTok despite my advanced age so all I could think was watching that sketch was not nearly as fun or as funny or as interesting as simply scrolling through TikTok. Nor was the sketch an effective satire of TikTok tropes. So to me

You made multiple comments implying that the dude is some kind of household name. Obviously he’s not

There were multiple posts claiming that he’s such a famous actor that he would never be wasted in a minor role. Clearly he’s not that famous

Okay but that doesn’t really justify the way people are talking about him. 

This was how I felt too about the previous episodes of this miniseries. At least it wasn’t boring and so much of Chibnall’s era has just been plain boring. I liked all the craziness and overstuffedness but it made nearly impossible for there to be a cohernet, satisfying ending

I was a big apologist for this miniseries as it was going on and I don’t mind Doctor Who just being a lot of fast-paced nonsense. However, I shared everyone else’s misgivings that they’d be able to “stick the landing” or whatever cliche and this finale certainly confirmed that they weren’t able to. It wasn’t quite the

Hailee Steinfeld is very likable,  but Kate Bishop, the character, is not very likable imho. I’m not sure how intentional this is and this has been my main conundrum with this series so far. 

Who the fuck is Brian James D’Arcy? I mean obviously you guys know but the way you folks talk about him it’s like he’s as famous as Brad Pitt or something. I literally don’t recognize him from anything ever without looking him up

James Buchanan and Steve Rogers are Jewish? I guess if the mothers are . . 

Enid’s desire to just melt away reminds me of the novel “Generation X” talking about “living a small life on the margins” or whatever. It was a fixation of my annoying useless generation which is rightfully mocked. This movie was one of the thankful last gasps of Gen X culture

Okay you did it. You’ve convinced me that YOU think it was a good impression. Thank you

I’m expected to take you seriously when you apparently haven’t even heard of the BOFA doctrine of legal self defense?

With Doctor Who I find the more happening the better

That’s my take too. There’s no chance they’re going to “stick the landing” or whatever cliche but I’ve found this whole series massively fun. Unbearably negative comments section though

Like I said go fuck yourself fascist

Honestly can we just say this is a YMMV thing? I agree that the wig etc. make Baldwin look like Trump on some basic visual level but the fact that Baldwin continually held his mouth in that weird fish mouth shape which Trump literally NEVER does, not even in the image you’ve found to prove your point, really ruins the

Okay. You’re the guy who thought Alec Baldwin looked like D0nald Trump. No one else did though

In addition I watched “The Night Before” for the first time on Christmas 2020 and was pretty disappointed. The setup is funny but the execution isn’t that good. It’s just pretty middling. I don’t think it’s good enough to become any kind of tradition for anyone.

Yes. I agree. I think some of the 40 and above crowd still use “Millennial” as short hand for “young person who annoys me” and don’t think much about the fact that they’re not even the youngest generation anymore