A Blaffair to Rememblack

He drove an hour and a half out of his way to shoot people he considered “looters/rioters” how the fuck is that not vigilantism? You know what don’t answer that. Just go fuck yourself fascist 

I get what you’re saying but it still reminds me of the Netflix Marvel shows in that it’s relatively grounded, relatively realistic, takes place extensively (as opposed to just incidentally) in New York and doesn’t have any characters with big super-powers 

Yes that was Kate’s stated rationale and it’s crazy talk, meant to show her paranoia

If this happened in our world there were would definitely be pro-Thanos people. They might even be a major cultural/political force

Born in 1996 Steinfeld is either a very young Milennial or an Old Zoomer (or a Zillenial) depending on how you look at it. 

This isn’t a good answer. The scenes as portrayed on screen should make some kind of sense and not just be hand waved away with “it was like that in the comics” or else why even make movies/TV shows separate from the comics to begin with? And the scene was completely ridiculous. Literally attacking someone with a

See I was watching the show entirely for Hailee Steinfeld and I generally can’t stand Jeremy Renner or the Hawkeye/Clint Barton character. Having said that I have to kind of agree with you that the character of Kate Bishop as written is pretty hard to like. I don’t mind that she’s not immediately great at everything

I agree. I loved this. For me it was by far the best of the Chibnall/Whittaker era. I’d give it an “A” not an “A-” but I don’t care much about grades. So of course these comments are filled with all sorts of negativity! I’ve enjoyed the frenetic pace of “Flux” but this slowed it down just a tad and concentrated mostly

I agree with your first paragraph. It’s as completely respectable take that they don’t have to have someone doing a Trump character at all

I wish you good luck in getting the bottom of this conspiracy and await your further “drops”. Shall I call you . . .Q?

Okay Boomer

As I say above he was worst in the showstopper and was eliminated purely because of the visual aspect of his showstopper. It was pretty obvious that his was lackluster compared to the others through the miracle of a television show being a visual medium

You’re being ridiculous. Regardless of whether pale green is actually a typical Japanese color scheme or not the point was that Jurgen’s entremets were visually underwhelming compared to everyone else’s in what was primarily a visual/presentation challenge and that was quite clear to me just watching it on TV

Black Sesame is literally my favorite flavor on earth, like a better peanut butter

I’m not a big Perkins fan but he did mention it

I really don’t understand where people ever got the idea that SNL has or ever had an “outlaw rebel comedy image.” Maybe in the very early years when everyone was like 20 years old and coked up all the time?

I honestly think Baby Yoda is funny. Yes, I’m the one. I pretty much just love anything Kyle does, which I realize also puts me in a tiny group

To me the Target pre-tape and the karaoke sketch were abominations. Like, some of the worst I’ve ever seen and those coming back to back out of the monologue made me feel like we were in for a really bad night. The show righted itself after that point but I’ve noticed this bizarre trend over the last few years where

The Baldwin Trump wasn’t a good impression and people complained. This impression is a completely accurate impression of his verbal tics and free associative approach to public speaking and people complain that it’s too accurate. I’m not arguing here just pointing this out. I’m not sure what the best way of portraying

I know this is what most fan’s think but I’m pretty much fine with the show just being a bunch of fun nonsense, emotional core or not