A Blaffair to Rememblack

Yeah it’s so completely serialized that individual episodes don’t really cohere on their own

I like my Doctor Who frenetic and right on the verge of incoherence. This went past the verge a few times but was still way more entertaining than most (maybe all) of Chinball’s run, not going to appease the professional Whovians but a lot of fun nonsense, which I think is what Doctor Who is at its best

I think they used him about right. I agree he’s a charismatic guy and a good actor and I loved him in “Loki” but he was a bit awkward at doing live sketch comedy and reading the cue cards, especially for the first couple sketches. I don’t thin he was enough of a natural to be one of those hosts who dominates an episode

They remind me of the Jared Leto Joker, not that they look exactly the same but just the “aesthetic” as the kids say

Yeah I was surprised to really really like this, but unsurprised to see negativity when I checked here. I was really down on the entire creative team going into this and pretty much ready for the show to go off the air for awhile after Whittaker leaves, but this was really fun. I don’t mind Doctor Who being serialized

The New Yorker started publishing in 1925. Why do you think it’s 75 years old?

Also not what my mom is doing this weekend

Yes it was stronger when Pete was younger and more gaunt. This is a good point

I’ve always thought there was a huge resemblance both in terms of vibes and facial features. When Mr. Robot came out and Pete Davidson was at the beginning of his time in SNL I briefly was confused, thinking they were literally the same person they looked so much alike. 

I took a break from watching all of every episode starting when Elon Musk hosted and thought of using that as an off-ramp to never watching again. But I couldn’t resist this one as I love Rami Malek and I really thought he would be interesting in this format. This was a solid episode but not a top tier one. There was

I like seeing him. It always annoys me how Jack Antonoff ended up being the person from fun who had the big career instead of him

Should’ve stopped with: It’s the most embarrassing coverage of a series this site has produced since Zack Handlen’

Unlike the Infinity Stones themselves of course which are very grounded and realistic

I didn’t hate it that much but I think a lot of your critique is accurate. It only really looked good in action sequences or big explosions or whatever. There was something weird or “uncanny valley” about looking at the faces as they “spoke”. I don’t think all of the drawings were far off from what the actors look

Wow that it’s interesting to hear that, sincerely. I thought of this as well below the quality level of the 3 other Marvel Disney Plus shows. I hadn’t heard anyone say they liked it that much, though I definitely agree about the comments. I’m glad there were people who liked this that much. I didn’t think it was

I would probably recommend it as well but not a particularly strong recommendation, though it certainly helps that the episodes are only a half hour long. I wouldn’t even put it in the same category as the other Marvel Disney Plus shows, which were much more ambitious. It was more like a fun side project akin to

I’d rather a continuation of the Agent Carter TV show than see more of this iteration of Peggy Carter

Whatever you gotta tell yourself man

Wow. Sounds serious. Thank God there are people like you: brave truth-tellers willing to fight this oppression

Uh oh someone’s triggered