A Blaffair to Rememblack

The characters have changed since Season One, as someone described above. Morty is far more assertive and independent (as can even be seen in this episode with him dealing with most of the “Narnia” situation by himself). Summer is also more assertive and independent and not interested in her normal teenage life. Jerry

Yeah my fear was that it was going to continue the Harmon thing of being so meta and up its own ass it’s not funny or enjoyable. I like that it was a relatively straightforward and funny story an didn’t feel the need to be some big statement on the show Rick and Morty itself (though of course there were some

Jerry and Beth are like super vanilla so it seemed crazy to them

I also hoped that this might be leading to a place where Jessica had at least a Summer-like role where she was involved in adventures at least some time. (And I also wouldn’t totally rule it out) But I disagree with Zack about the whole Jessica character and the Jessica subplot in this episode. Of course it’s

If you would stop making stupid pointless boring comments it would be good but something tells me you won’t

It’s on topic but still adds nothing and is completely uninteresting and worthless comment

Thanks for sharing!

Exactly. This was an era when HOllywood was still unironically cranking out “Simple Jack” type stuff and being praised for it

She is but in 1998 this was still an interesting and new type of character

It’s a comedy primarily about a romantic relationship. It’s a romantic comedy. I don’t think there’s need for a more stringent definition 

I was 25 when this came out so literally the exact perfect age for a movie like this and in the 90s I used to see at least one movie in the theater a week. (i have no memory of how I could afford to do this.) And I saw this multiple times in the theater and I’m sure countless times after that on VHS etc. And Caroline

Can’t Hardly Wait was way more a John Hughes homage than an Animal House one

“You can’t even get your heart movin’!”

The concept is supposed to be that it’s about this perfectly nice woman who only attracts stalkers. They all are shitty guys, even Ben Stiller, and it’s pretty clear the audience is supposed to think that. There is more time spent with the guys which leads to the old is depiction endorsement thing

I think it’s virtually certain that the Timekeepers and the whole mythology will turn out to be something really underwhelming and shabby (and/or non-existent) a la The Good Place. It’s almost a trope at this point

I always hated Bugs and found Daffy relatable for the reasons everyone lays out here. Bugs was smug and always won which was tiresome. 

Okay I think you take things too far if you refuse to watch any media that depicts bad people doing bad things, even if they’re clearly not meant to be role models or heroes. However, with regard to Loki I do think you kind of have a point. There’s been some real tonal whiplash between how the character was portrayed

I like Bugs Bunny cartoons but Bugs Bunny is an asshole

This is a take!

I know that what you outline above is a very popular view of the Netflix Marvel series but I don’t share it at all. I tried to watch the first season of Daredevil and found it laughably boring and ponderous from the start. I thought the first season of Jessica Jones was brilliant but it was so intense and disturbing