A Blaffair to Rememblack

Daffy and Bugs are archetypal characters that exist throughout culture. For example: Jerry Seinfeld is Bugs to George Costanza’s Daffy etc. etc.

The only criticism people can think of as that this was too much of an “exposition dump” or whatever. I think a lot of information had to be delivered due to the  complex nature of the premise and it was all revealed in a way that was entertaining and funny and didn’t seem expository at all.

As I say above in terms of set design, visual aesthetic, production design etc. yes but the world of “Legion” was much darker and more ambiguous than what I think they’re going for with the TVA here. That show was about trauma, mental illness etc.

It reminded me of Legion only due to the retro-futuristic production design. The tone was way different though. Legion was super dark. This may be dark by MCU standards but it’s in a whole different ballpark

It’s crazy how Netflix tried to start that whole mini Marvel universe of shows but for the most part they weren’t very good and it never really caught on but these Disney Plus MCU shows are soo good and are as big a deal as Marvel movies used to be it seems

Yeah exactly it’s very well done retro-futurism

At the beginning of your comment when you mentioned the possibility of the TVA possibly turning out to be some shabby underwhelming bureaucracy it made me think of “The Good Place” which you brought full circle by mentioning at the end. For me at this point I feel like the idea of the rulers of the universe ending up

The whole thing reminded me of Blade Runner/Blade Runner 2049 in a good way

I think both of the first two Thor movies are underrated

I can’t imagine anyone who’d never seen any MCU wanting to watch this, however someone who is a more casual viewer/hadn’t seen all of the films and needed a refresher and Loki’s pretty confusing arc.

Almost 24 hours later and only two comments!? Woof!

I’d much rather a “Home Movies” movie or even a “Lucy Daughter of the Devil” movie than Metalacolypse. But obviously the big news here is Venture Bros

Agree about Elektra. She started off as this Ryan Murphy over the top soap opera villain, including abusing her own “children,” and now we’re supposed to see her as the epitome of the loving house mother, an interpretation which the recapper outright states?

I agree with basically all of your complaints about these two episodes but somehow I was happy enough to just have the show back and see the ensemble together I mostly kind of just vibed with it without being bothered by all the dumb stuff, particularly in the second episode, which had several genuinely moving scenes

I completely agree with everything you said. Everything involving Karli/the Flag Smashers was a disaster and made no sense. Everything involving the GRC was a disaster and made no sense.

I couldn’t agree more. I say this all the time. It’s like the writers came up with the snap/blip because the MCU had gotten so huge and unwieldly they had to inflate the villain’s plot to totally ridiculous dimensions. I truly don’t think the writers and the producers thought through the consequences of the Snap being

They still use the “Winter Soldier” moniker because it’s still the name that the audience knows. It’s his nom de guerre/most recent (and only) official “superhero” (supervillian really) name. Similarly no one calls Sam Falcon but that’s in the title too. Basically it’s a story about how Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes

I was somewhat underwhelmed by it. He delivered it well and there were some really powerful parts but there were also some lines that sounded like Obama-like empty rhetoric

Karli’s characterization, as well as the characterization of the Flag Smasher’s and what exactly their ideology and goals were, was probably the biggest failure of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I wouldn’t say there’s any real precedent in the MCU for espousing “revolutionary politics” but there is some precedent for

It was a reasonably entertaining finale and I’m glad they did something which had some of the flavor of a “real finale” since the season 12 one gives off such early pandemic vibes.