A Blaffair to Rememblack

If you listened to Walker’s conversation with Lemar it might’ve struck you that Walker is realizing he and Lemar were kind of brain-washed murderbots themselves

You thought this was a slow burn lol

I’m not a comics reader like most of your commenters but just from watching MCU movies and TV shows it seems to me that Steve Rogers’ reputation/being “deified” for being the only human pure enough and with strong enough character to take the super soldier serum and not go crazy or become a dick or something is pretty

Yeah it’s strange. Most of your “big queens” are comedy queens which Kandy most assuredly is not, and she’s certainly not a look or fashion queen, or a pageant girl or good at singing or dancing. So, what exactly is she bringing to the table? Rose is a little boring but has performance chops. Gottmik brings fashion

I’m really surprised at the positive write up and A grade. I thought this was a pretty lackluster episode. It was pretty obvious to me that it was going to be a four queen finale so the fact that we started with four queens and ended with four queens was completely predictable and boring and just further compounds


I’d never heard of it either, but the sketch really went out of its way to mention the name far more than their product placement sketches usually do

The Maya Rudolph ep was better

I just watched all three of the cut for time sketches. I genuinely think that all three of them were better than anything that made the episode. Why does this keep happening?

I don’t do grades but last week’s episode was definitely better than this one and my guess is that’s probably the consensus

The big thing I noticed about this episode, and it was a big negative for me, was the lack of pre-tapes. Frankly these are nearly always the funniest parts of an episode for me, far funnier than the actual “live” parts of Saturday Night Live, and are the main reason I still watch. Having only one was really

Also, the same answer to everything else about him and Steve Rogers, super-soldier serum

I agree. Madripoor was a really interesting location/atmosphere even if a lot about it didn’t make much sense. It was nice to see them go the stylized/Cyberpunk 2077 route as you say, since a lot of the MCU’s earthbound locations (other than Wakanda) tend to be fairly prosaic. I thought the fight choreography was

I don’t even think the characterization is that well thought out. I think it’s more that he’s an “evil European” who fought Captain America so naturally he likes cultural products which cast America and its racial issues in a negative light

I feel the same way hahahaha! I realize it wasn’t prestige TV but I found it to be probably the most entertaining of the three episodes. Lots of stuff happened and it happened quickly enough that it made sense and was fun to watch if you don’t think too much!

How’s that boot taste?

“undercurrent” yeah. 

I agree completely

I guess it’s not surprising that there’d be so many US military cultists in the comments to a Captain America TV show

That basically happened this episode