A Blaffair to Rememblack

Bucky was an evil Hydra assassin for like decades I think? it would be unrealistic if he became fast friends with anyone

I figured it was an HBCU band, definitely above high school level

You’re way too nice Sulgana. I know American culture says we have to worship the military but you can push back a little bit. Nothing you said was wrong or offensive. You shouldn’t feel that you have to apologize to aggressive misreadings of what you said like this

How’s that boot taste my man?

Thank you for your service sir!

It’s interesting that Steve Rogers was chosen because they needed to find someone who was pure and good and humble enough that he could handle being given the super soldier serum and not turn into Homelander essentially. John Walker wasn’t given the super soldier serum and afaik there’s no plan to give it to him. So

I love Wyatt Russell and I’m not liking him in this role at all. I think it’s bad casting. I’m just not feeling his usual soulfulness

I agree. I don’t want the to tackle it. They simply couldn’t do it justice

The Flag Smashers thing is all very confused ideologically. In the first episodes they were described as a group who wanted “open borders and global unity” and I was like “hell yeah sign me up!” as a leftist/socialist who wants those things. But in this episode they seemed to be saying they simply wanted things to go

See I basically don’t like Bucky and don’t really fully buy his rehabilitation from being the Winter Soldier and killing tons of people. That’s the main problem I have with this series. Yes I know the answer is supposed to be he did what he did because of brainwashing by Hydra that he’s been magically cured of through

That might be true in the comics. But from what we’ve seen so far he definitely seems like basically a toned down version of Homelander, obviously in terms of not having super powers, but his personality seems like a santized, MCU-version of Homelander, bearing in mind that in the MCU no one is as psychotic and evil

Yeah I can’t get behind anyone who hates Kyle Mooney. To me he’s one of the most reliable and most likable cast members. 

To clarify I was saying that the Tyra Sanchez bomb threat which you brought up (correctly) as an example of the worst behavior from a queen ever was sort of sui generis as it happened completely outside of the context of RPDR itself

I thought those examples were more tolerable in the context of a roast but her centerpiece bit was simply calling Nina West a whale? Is that even funny? Is that a joke?

If she’s just awkward (slash possibly “on the spectrum) and/or was just channeling a punk rock spirit or was just the victim of bad editing what could she possibly have to apologize for?

Utica has apologized to Michelle and to Loni Love and said that it’s never okay to make fun of someone’s size. But according to most people in this comment section she had nothing to apologize for so . . .

Actually, she might have been finished as soon as the practice set was just rambling off fat jokes. Quite a turn from not wanting to offend wearing an afro to comparing people to manatees and whales.” Exactly. It’s quite amazing how Utica’s defenders are still trying to defend her lovable quirky weirdo narrative and

Yes I can. Easily

That’s a category unto its own and also not something that happened during drag race. I see her fat jokes as clear examples of “ugly malice and spite” and it’s pretty interesting how many people here are defending her 

I’ve never met someone whose reaction to awkward social situations is to unleash a torrent of vicious fat jokes no