A Blaffair to Rememblack

I totally agree. The fact that she feels sad (in essence) is supposed to make up for thousands of acts of kidnapping, brainwashing, psychological torture etc.? And bear in mind that Monica said that in response to the Westview townspeople glaring at Wanda as she walked by. Like we’re supposed to feel bad for after all

I’m a weirdo who almost ends up rooting for the villain in genre stuff and I’m almost fully Team Agatha here. Agatha was right! Wanda had no idea what she was doing or even that she was a witch. Going under Agatha’s wing probably would’ve done her some good.

I don’t think of Kathryn Hahn as being a “Parks and Rec actor” even though she did play a recurring character for awhile. And Paul Rudd has a huge presence outside of “Parks and Rec”

I mean “Utica might be socially inept, bad at ‘reading the room,’ or even on the spectrum, (which is my personal suspicion) but . . .”  but okay

So Utica isn’t even held to basic standards of adult human behavior because she’s “awkward” (or whatever) yet the other queens are expected to all have the emotional intelligence social skills to stand up to someone going Don Rickles on them out of nowhere? And I think it’s pretty clear that what happened was more

When has Utica been self deprecating? All she talks about is how she’s the best at everything she does and is going to steal scenes and win everything

Utica is this years LaGanja. There, I said it. Live with it.” ding ding ding ding ding!

Hasn’t come after anyone!? Did you not hear the anecdote of her doing all of her ideas for library “reads” at a totally inappropriate moment making everyone uncomfortable which was told the same way by multiple different queens?

The whole thing was ridiculous but the most baffling aspect was that voice. Why did she choose that speaking voice? So strange

Her runway lewks aren’t my cup of tea but she’s succeeding at what she’s going for there, just not in her comedy, performance or personality

So I tried to warn everyone about Utica and now she’s finally getting the villain narrative she deserved all along. She’s not evil but it’s pretty clear she’s an overpraised annoying theater kid. It’s clear she’s been told she’s great at everything her in entire life and probably is very ggggh at some thing, but it’s

I thought this episode was a step down from the run of surprisingly strong episodes we’ve been on but still was pretty good. I think Dennis and most commenters are being a little too harsh on Jonas a host. He certainly wasn’t a great host in the mode of Regina King or the guy form Bridgerton but he was competent and

Okay that was by far funnier than anything that made the actual episode

Got it sorry


I didn’t like “Murder Show” that much. I realize it is a very real phenomenon that women watch those shows I just don’t think they did anything too interesting or original with the premise, other than yet more material about being stuck at home due to pandemic which they’ve been doing a little but too much of I think.

Which is really weird!

Whether something’s supposedly magic or supposedly super science isn’t that big a deal to me. It already seemed pretty likely that Wanda was solely or primarily responsible for the Hex situation. 

I agree. I was in the minority that preferred the first three episodes to the rest because I knew that once we started getting answers they would be somewhat underwhelming/obvious. The other problem with the show for me is that it” spells out the answers to every single mystery and in complete detail. So any sense of

So the canonical answer is that they’re just accepted as Wanda’s “real children” then? Interesting.