A Blaffair to Rememblack

The Salem Witch Trials were a horrendous farce, a series of paranoid accusations driven by religious fanaticism which ended in people executing their neighbors over a delusional fantasy.” Thank God we don’t have to worry about things like that happening today hahahahahahaha 

A lot of GM cars barely have any parts manufactured in the US

Definitely not in keeping with the naturalism and accurate science of Marvel Comics

As I say above the twins are not actually “real” in some sense so the whole thing isn’t as horrible as it seems

In my understanding they’re not really “her children” though, right? Real children don’t age up to age 10 or 11 in the course of a couple days. They’re “real” to Wanda but they’re not actually her flesh and blood children and they’re certainly not children who were created in any kind of conventional manner by her and

Zionists and Jews are not equivalent. How dare you engage in this anti-Semitic trope!

It reminded me of the Gorilla Glue sketch from the previous episode, which I also didn’t like

Yes! Everything you’re saying is right.

There were great sketches

The job interview thing was just a great filmed piece. One of the best they’ve done in a long time. I appreciated the “ten to one” weirdness of Chicken Legs but it didn’t really make me laugh that much.

Probably thinks he’s too liberal

For me the “Driver’s License” sketch was the strongest iteration of that sketch ever by far. It felt like the song really did support that level of analysis in the moment and it was so fun seeing everyone get into it. And everything they were saying about the song made sense. It wasn’t forced just to make it a sketch

And also hosts that aren’t super/universally famous I should say

I always really enjoy your commentary and analysis but for me the grace sketch was one of the few things that didn’t work. It was too much of a “white people do it like this/black people do it like this” sketch and the black characters were just too broad for me. Other than that it was one of the strongest episodes in

It is true. That’s not even up for debate.

Yes it’s very complex how Israel brutally occupies the Palestinian territories and refuses to give them any vaccines which the PA and Hamas absolutely do not have the money or power or sovereignity to do themselves. It’s so complex being an oppressor. JFC do you need to go to your safe space when someone makes the

I agree. And I’m even a semi-apologist for the “bad” MCU movies, even Thor 2 I don’t think is that bad. Iron Man 2 had some parts that didn’t work but also had some really good elements. I don’t think there’s been a single outright failure. 

I caught that too! I took it as just a general riff on 2000s sitcoms but Wanda’s glitching so much (or whatever) that she can’t keep the show consistent

It’s all breaking down and getting combined in weird ways, similar to what’s happening in Wanda’s “house”.

I wouldn’t go that far but I do agree that the part of the show taking place inside the Hex is far more interesting and original than what’s happening outside the Hex, which at its worst seems like some lame episode of Agents of SHIELD or something