A Blaffair to Rememblack

if the civilians are white yes

I agree. I thought this one had the perfect balance between the “real world” and the sitcom reality whereas the previous ep was too much real world

I think they do a great job with the production design, art direction, set dressing etc. I haven’t had any complaints with the costuming so far but I can sort of see what you’re saying

What dude? Maybe log off for a few minutes or something lol

I took it as she can’t bring back the dead in real life but she could in this reality but she refuses to because she wants to set some limits

I sometimes make the argument that the X Men movies as a whole are better than the MCU movies. I don’t know if I’d really say that now unless I was feeling particularly spicy and it’s very hard to compare 9 or 10 movies to 22 or whatever but honestly I probably like the X-Men movies more, uneven as they are. 

The point is to slowly create a multiverse concept where all the different iterations of characters accent side by side in different universes and sometimes they cross over etc.

See my problem is at this point for me at least I don’t see how Wanda can possibly be sympathetic. I thought the situation would be more complex but I just don’t see how Wanda is anything but a supervillain at this point. She stole vision’s body against his expressed wishes and somehow trapped his consciousness in a

I mostly agree with this write up more than I usually do. This was a pretty “meh” episode for me which is a shame given that disco is such a promising subject. The bottom definitely should have been Utica and Kandy based on what they did that night but I guess Ru couldn’t resist setting up a Tamisha vs Kandy lip

I guess they thought doing rigga morris by having them lip sync against each other was a better pay off

It says “supported” not donated so that could mean anything. Otherwise it all looks pretty dubious to me. Garbage clickbait article

Right but my point is it’s weird to use being pro or anti Trump as a metric for who’s conservative or liberal when there’s a long tradition of right wing politicians predating Trump. In fact, Trump is quite a recent permutation of conservatism that was initially thought to be sort of at odds with it in some ways.

So do you support Wendell Pierce assaulting that woman or not?

He’d probably physically assault me like he did that woman for supporting Bernie Sanders. Is that the kind of thing you’re so excited to see?

Wow he’s married to someone who doesn’t support Trump. What a progressive hero!

Right but there are very few movies actually directly based on a right wing conspiracy theory/talking point like Benghazi and told from the perspective that the right wing take on what happened is true. To equate that with generically “playing a soldier” is disingenuous

Wow you’re a special guy huh?

He’s associated with a right wing evangelical church that other right wing celebrities go to

Amazingly there have been politicians and political movements even before Trump came on the scene

Bullshit. I hate to be like source? but why not link it if you’re going to post it?