A Blaffair to Rememblack


Yeah he’s almost certainly a conservative. He chose to do the overtly right wing Benghazi movie and his bootlicking pro-CIA views that he expressed during press for the Jack Ryan show, which itself is basically CIA propaganda. My guess is he’s semi-closeted about it for the sake of his career

Yeah the monologue was weak. Too bad because I thought the rest of the episode was unusually strong by recent SNL standards

Yes. I read this and that’s exactly what I (we) are responding to. I don’t know why you assume we’re that stupid. Our point is this new way of doing it isn’t working. There have been multiple comments about this and Katie hasn’t responded

I think it would probably be called “the great return” or something. “The Blip” makes it sound so trivial

If such an event happened in the real world I imagine it would be referred to by the date it happened on like 9/11. There’s really no adequate word to describe something like that

It still seems like a weird name for it

but it also does need to have a point or all the weird is useless” I honestly don’t understand this point of view, prevalent as it is. Why does it have to “have a point” and what does it mean “to have a point”? The point of it all is to create something compelling to watch yes? Personally I found the first three

I wish they’d dragged it out longer. This was a semi-letdown for me

I chose “hate speech”


I think Hamm is about as big as he’s ever going to be and that’s fine

Completely disagree. I found this the weakest of the four episodes and it’s the one where they gave away the most answers. The answers are so underwhelming compared to the sense of weirdness and mystery of the first three episodes. If this gets too straightforward it could be as lame as Agents of SHIELD.

Why do they call it “the blip”? Such a flippant name for half of the universe dying

Thank God for national treasure Kat Dennings but this episode was a bit of a letdown for me, as I always knew finding out “what’s really going on” would likely be. A lot of it played like a bad episode of “Agents of SHIELD” (which is to say an episode of “Agents of SHIELD’) leaving the anything can happen vibe of the

I don’t know how to watch it in the US

Not a big deal but I really don’t get where you’re coming from with these comments because you’ve contradicted yourselves several times. At first Kandy’s “not so bad” then you seem to admit that she’s a villain but say that this is needed and it’s entertaining (a point of view I can get on board with) but then

I brought up the pronoun thing earlier and fight it just as confusing as you do. Katie has yet to address it. I don’t think she reads the comments

Nobody knows how to watch this

What are you talking about? She’s the purest most out and out villain the show has seen in YEARS. She’s acting so ridiculous at first I wonder if she was leaning into it to make an impression/create a character but when she literally said “I just tell it like it is” I realized wow she really is that non-self-aware.