A Blaffair to Rememblack

I think folks are kind of overrating how good the dialogue was in the original films but there were stretches here where our heroes just kind of wordlessly mowed down storm troopers that weren’t great

Paul Bettany’s character was one of the more interesting human villains ever in Star Wars I thought

I’ve said it a million times: Solo completely fails as an origin story for Han Solo, but if you view it as just a fun little standalone space adventure set in the Star Wars universe it’s not bad. Rogue One is much better though

It’s such an anti-consensus opinion I kinda gotta respect it

I wouldn’t say that about Solo either. However, I think it’s very unfairly maligned. My take on is that if you look at it as just a fun space adventure movie and not an origina story to one of the most iconic characters of all time it’s a lot more successful

I thought the Old Guard was just okay not bad. It was kind of boring  but was saved by the supernatural element and by Charlize’s performance. If this is like that but without those elements I can see that it would be a slog

They make so many it’s impossible to give an overall evaluation. It’s almost like saying are Warner Brothers moves good or bad or something like that

I keep saying that Attack of the Clones was worse than the Phantom Menace but most people don’t agree

Yes. I think this was implied

It’s an interesting theological discussion I suppose: are people from more “reform” type mainline denominations simply more secular than those from more conservative/devout/fundamentalist ones or, as you suggest, do they simply see themselves as equally religiously observant but just belonging to a different sect? 

My thought was that Din/Mando/whatever knew that his face would be in the imperial database and would give him access for some reason that will be explained down the road. It can’t have just accepted any face. I agree that that would be pretty stupid if it’s the case

My memory of the books is that there was very little on the page that didn’t simply advance the plot (with the possible exception of the last book) but I seem to be in the minority in thinking that

What you’re saying is accurate but the shift in tone you’re describing was unavoidable and accurate reflection of the books. It’s a series that starts as innocent kids stuff about a magic school and gradually shifts to a full on world war like scenario as the kids age into young adults. In the final book the school

I don’t agree with every detail but I think your analogy basically holds up

And also that none of them aged awkwardly, particularly as adolescents!

Would’ve been a bold choice to cast an Asian actor though

I wouldn’t say it’s incomprehensible but it does definitely go against my comment above about what I said the books are like in that it does have a real mood to it and seems more like a novel than movie script, unlike the others. I can’t imagine anyone watching those movies who hadn’t read the book, particularly the

I think another factor is quite frankly it feels like the Potter books were written with movie adaptations in mind from the beginning. There’s so much expository dialogue very little internal monologue or anything that’s difficult to visualize. It’s very much like “this happened and then this happened” almost more

Is this an ad for HBO Max?

I agree. This was the best of the series by far for me