A Blaffair to Rememblack

I thought it was interesting fight where we got to see a lot of tactics and weapons we’ve never seen before, such as mortars and some kind of laser equivalent of a 50 cal. Storm Troopers have always been cannon fodder basically

I’m enjoying these more heavily serialized episodes but I also enjoyed some of the more standalone/mission of the week episodes as well

All MMA fighters etc. have extreme politics. They’re either leftists or MAGA chuds (or too dumb to be anything). No normies or centrists lol

Well it’s very unlikely that there would be a star wars show called “The Mandalorian” that wouldn’t feature Boba Fett in some way or another. That character is the only reason that fans know that the Mandalorian race/culture/whatever exists in the sw canon at all. In fact, as a somewhat casual fan that doesn’t follow

No your point at least seemed to be that this series is garbage because it’s nothing ore than service for fans of the Clone Wars cartoon etc. I, and many other people are saying, we haven’t seen the Clone Wars cartoon at all and still enjoy the Mandalorian. So, the idea that Mandalorian ONLY works as fan service to

The short standoff between Mando and Michael Biehn’s character was very “Justified”. In fact I think there have been a couple times when some gun thug tried to pull the whole “I surrender” trick and picked the gun back off the ground and Raylan managed to “put a hole” in him

I thought it looked great

I had similar thoughts to yours about “Rogue One” and feel even more strongly the same way about Mandalorian. That is: the problem with most star wars movies/cartoon shows/novels/games etc. is that they’re influenced ONLY by previous Star Wars media while “Rogue One” was influenced primarily by the earlier genres that

I could not possibly disagree more. I’m a casual who hasn’t seen a second of the clone wars cartoon and tried to read the Timothy Zahn novels but found them boring and gave them up and I’m finding this series, particularly the second season, really entertaining. Yes, characters like Ashoka et al have backstories from

Okay. I’m just saying that this is likely what they had in mind when they titled the episode.


What’s sad is that these comments always get a couple stars

“Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what

To me this sounded like that famous Rick Moranis monologue from Ghostbusters

The siege of the imperial base

That’s all true but Lucas himself felt he was most directly critiquing Bush. He even said it in interviews and stuff

I do it for the sheer love of the game, not to fulfill some bourgeois concept of “originality”.

We expected more because the original ones were better

We were still so hyped up on the whole concept of the prequel trilogy and the first entirely new (not semi-new like the original trilogy re-release) Star War in 20 years that we weren’t able to really appraise it well. I even became a defender of it for awhile but deep down I think I knew it was terrible from the

I agree. I’m actually of the opinion that Clones is worse than Menace, with Sith the only one approaching non-terrible