A Blaffair to Rememblack

They’re both bad movies but at least Skywalker had some cool visuals and was generally competently made. TPM was an Ed Wood level director and writer given an unlimited budget with total creative control with disastrous results

Most of us who were of the generation who saw the original trilogy in the theater and then saw the Phantom Menace as 20 somethings did not find it entertaining. We found it incredibly boring and that was the problem. I knew a guy who claimed he and a friend chanted “lasers! lasers!” during all the parliamentary

The political stuff was meant to be a commentary on the George W Bush era which was happening contemporaneously to when they were released

Counterpoint: Yes they do

I’m pro the main character maybe being able to remove the helmet. I think Pedro Pascal’s a great actor and he’s done the best he can to give the character personality from behind the mask but having a show where the lead, who’s on screen like 90 percent of the time, can’t show his face almost ever is starting to get

The problem with the prestige TV era as it’s made people associate very specific tropes as being the markers of what constitutes quality television: dark anti-heroes, heavily serialization, a generally dark worldview and tone, and made people think there’s no room for other types of shows and storytelling

If you honestly think it’s dull and pointless, and I understand why you do based on what you’re saying, I’m not sure why you’d keep watching

I’m ambivalent about the whole the Child eating the eggs thing. I think they were going for a whole disturbing/funny thing and it was kind of funny in the moment but they pushed it too far. Like I get that these were unfertilized eggs so it was equivalent to humans eating chicken eggs. But they went so far to

What’s it like being such a brave iconoclastic truth-telling badass?

Mandalorian is at the upper end of Star Wars media produced over the last 43 years. The “simple” and “basic” nature of the stories and characterizations is completely of a piece with previous Star Wars movies TV shows and games. I realize “The Last Jedi” and “Rogue One” stretched the form a little bit but for the most

Have things really gotten so out of hand that people can’t watch any show that’s not completely serialized? This is sad

The show is good. It’s just not good in the very specific way that you outline above with heavy serialization, “meaningful arcs” etc.

Like I say above prestige TV has broken peoples’ brains

The prestige tv era has broken peoples’ brains

Cracking up thinking about people who seek out Star Wars stuff for “deep meaningful story arcs” or whatever and not just for light entertainment. 

I’m not saying it needs to be condemned entirely for some kind of moralistic/sex is bad reason but the whole phenomenon of “third world” sex tourism isn’t nearly as simple and harmless as what you’re saying. And if it were that benign the sketch wouldn’t even exist because there’d be nothing to comment on

Yes, I suppose but this commenter seems to be saying that there’s nothing wrong with it to begin with

I thought the Grandmother sketch was just great. Well acted, well structured, had an ending. Funny, original idea. Like, I havent seen anyone do comedy based on weirdness of visiting nursing homes or whatever with COVID restrictions. This was the best live sketch I remember the doing in awhile.

They’ve been doing political cold opens pretty much without interruption since 2008 (when I first started really paying attention) and possibly before that

Also the reason why Trump impressions/parodies aren’t funny