A Blaffair to Rememblack

The idea that there’s nothing inherently problematic with people from rich countries going to poor countries to engage in sex tourism is ...reallly something

I thought it was too pointless and light and weird to be a good update bit. It might’ve made a good tiktok

You’re not even going to note that the Voice is back tonight? How snobby

Looking through the comment section for this episode and I gotta say I’m . disappointed by how bad it is. Like some real “I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul” type shit. I wonder if it was linked on some right wing site or reddit or something

Okay you were responding to the “imagery” part. She’s an AOC analogue and a sitting Congressman all you’ve been able to come up with an obscure House candidate and the Gravel campaign which even you seem to acknowledge was a joke. You said “progressive politicians running openly on guillotine imagery” and that’s all

Has a left wing campaign exploded several peoples’ heads yet?

Yes we need to accept that liberal congresswomen telepathically murder people by exploding their heads all the time. Good point

Wow so edgy bro. Did you cut and paste that from Ben Shapiro?

Amazon only lost that much money by not getting the New York deal if you accept their absurd corporate propaganda figures at face value. Anyway, Bezos seems to be doing just fine I don’t know if you’ve heard

There are lots of nazis and shit out there for real dude. Maybe turn on the news

(I think he’s being sarcastic)

This is so dumb. Stormfront was never presented as an “SJW” just a media savvy Millennial type (which made no sense seeing as she’s 100 damn years old but whatever). And there are no nazis who pretend to be SJWs for clout but are really nazis underneath. There are plenty of hypocrites on the left but to say Stormfront

Neumann exploded heads of all kinds of people not just billionaires or politicians. And she kept it a secret so claiming that she’s similar to politicians using that type of imagery openly (who I don’t think actually exist) doesn’t make sense

Wow you’re boring


Both the writers adn the actress have said they were referencing AOC

As viewers we were at first encouraged to view Congresswoman Neumann as some sort of passionate and sincere activist against Vought and overall supe malfeasance on behalf of everyday people. The fact that the entire time she was exploding the heads of SEVERAL people, not all of whom were “evil” or whatever, makes her

I’m a Marxist and I never say late stage capitalism. I just say capitalism

Mostly just wanted to let you know that I did read this and, while I didn’t agree with all of it, definitely found it a pretty good critique.

Obviously no one is dumb enough to think that the character literally is AOC but if AOC didn’t exist in the real world they wouldn’t have cast that particular actress and styled her that particular way, basically begging the viewer to make the connection