A Blaffair to Rememblack

My take was once he got high enough he could see that it wasn’t a normal town or suburb but just some little neighborhood where he lived surrounded by an army base or something similar

I thought this was better than season one but to each his own

American football term

Yeah as an American what Karl Urban is doing seems in line with the typical type of English accent that is done on American TV but even I felt like I was detecting a hint of New Zealand or Australia in there. As for John Noble wow! First of all I feel so stupid in that I never realized he was Australian but I had no

Not much of a reach. It was a protest against the corrupt and evil Vought regime just as in the earlier instance it was a protest against the corrupt and evil South Viet Namese regime

Yeah that’s one of the main things I like about the show is that the Boys are so wildly overmatched and the villains are all so powerful and scary. It’s one of the best explorations I’ve seen of how truly frightening and dangerous it would be to live in a world with supes

I’m sorry but that Kipo and the Wonderbeasts shit was some of the worst I’ve ever seen. I have no idea why it’s apparently critically acclaimed

This is a good explanation. It just seems a little abrupt but I know they only have 8 episodes and this was the 5th one

My take was he meant Hungarian Paprika as opposed to Spanish

Exactly: there have been a lot of semi well-known guitarists since Van Halen’s heyday: I’d include everyone from Annie Clark to Carrie Brownstein to Josh Homme, but they’re either as you say singers and songwriters are much less well known than Eddie was. He was among the last to achieve this kind of fame simply by

I thought of two younger/newer examples: Tom Morello and Slash. They both fit the bill, especially Slash, but even Slash I don’t think was as huge a pop culture figure as EVH. 

I’ve been thinking about this and I think Eddie Van Halen may have been the ultimate perfection of and the final perfect example of the “guitar hero.” Meaning he was the last example of a non-singing guitarist who is the dominant presence in a hugely popular band and who was a household name on the level of a pop

For me nothing will ever top “Panama” which has about 10 great riffs

There’s some truth to it but it’s also somewhat inaccurate. They did like 5 albums as a straight up guitar rock band but their huge breakthrough hit single “Jump,” which is known for its massive opening keyboard riff changed everything and from that point on EVH was fixated on sort of recapturing that magic and you

Drew Barrymore was good. The video game sketch was pretty good (I pretty much always like the Kyle and Becks stuff) the Aidy and Kate stunt women thing was pretty good the music video about masks was pretty good. Other than that everything was pretty terrible I agree. And I’m usually forgiving with new SNL

Yeah it was a response to the pandemic. They couldn’t have as big and fancy a crew as normal to film and there aren’t any hot spots or bars or restaurants to go to since they’re all closed due to COVID

I don’t know why they don’t continue to do the remote “socially distanced” ones they did in the Spring. It’s not like the situation with the virus is that much better now than then

I love Kyle Mooney’s “shtick” and am nowhere near tired of it. He and Beck are one of the only reasons I never fully stop watching

Exactly. Rock’s politics have never bee particularly incisive and have always trended somewhat conservative. I actually thought this was the best political material I’ve ever heard from him (not saying a lot)

I agree with you completely. I’m not particularly a fan of Little Britain but I really enjoy Matt in this role and far prefer him to Sandy, who seemed like a nice person but wasn’t very funny or entertaining