A Blaffair to Rememblack

It was

I agree with what most of what you’re saying but I don’t think it’s fair to say it’s a ripoff “V”. V is about aliens at first peacefully colonizing/conquering Earth and taking over human society and then humans rebelling against this occupation And the aliens could make themselves look like humans and communicate with

The speech, and the entire scene, are insane and nonsensical and therefore completely in tune with American exceptionalist thinking. The idea that the only way to get people fired up to fight these aliens is to analogize it to American history/the American Independence Day and that this means that the entire world

The action disaster set pieces are great so maybe it did “achieve what it was trying to do” but overall it wasn’t even a good movie let alone a great one. The characters are almost all paper thin and there are a lot of failed attempts at comedy. Judd Hirsch’s character is cringe and borderline anti-Semitic. The whole

I mean it’s an okay explanation but the idea that he could somehow create a virus which would fuck up a way advanced alien operating system is still absurd, even if it is related to earth computer technology

I agree. I thought this new take on Barry was actually really funny. Maybe they’d gone as far as they could with Barry’s psychotic hatred of Archer? They did make a good double act.

I know. I don’t much like it either

I agree. I think this was a really strong episode and I’m surprised to see how negative the comments are. So much happened and in a really good way. The Boys style batsht insanity a la the penis guy, good action sequences, good character development, and the usual dark, sick satire

Even if it wasn’t intentional he was really extremely callous about having killed Hughie’s girlfriend, just flippant about the apology and the whole thing

Oh fuck I fucked that up too. I was a bit suspicious when he referenced “SJWs”. Sorry

1. They now know that Compound V (supposedly) only works on children. They probably didn’t limit it just to kids way back when Stormfront got it

Simp has a specific meaning with the kids these days, not meaning simple. Basically it means a guy who, out of love or simply horniness, allows himself to be become subservient to a woman 

A person of color having a high up position in a corporation that’s at least okay with far right white supermacy is so realistic and common in the real world it scarcely bears even commenting on

One more interesting connection between “the Boys” and “Mr. Robot” is that the AVC recapper for “Mr. Robot,” Alex McLevy kind of turned me on to the Boys as well. And, truth be told, I was kind of hoping that he would be the recapper for this show as well. This is no slight against you Roxana. I think you’re doing a

Interesting what you say about “Mr. Robot” and this show sharing “a similar vibe” because I’m a huge fan of both shows. I kind of know what you mean but I don’t agree entirely. Definitely both shows deal with our corporate capitalist dystopia in a more direct way than most, take place in New York, involve a war

Good. It’s important to keep it grounded in the real world like that hahahahaha

So what happened was Vought was going to do the normal corporate damage control thing but Homelander, because of what a narcissist he is, thought he could do better by just showing up to the protest and turning on the “charm”. This created a second crisis while Vought PR was probably still dealing with the fallout

As I say in another comment I really thought that he’d laser massacred those protesters

I’m not an MCU hater or anything but that totally captured the feel of the bad parts of those movies to me

It’s also funny because the episode ended with an extended superhero sex scene similar to the much maligned “Hallelujah” scene in Zack Snider’s Watchmen