A Blaffair to Rememblack

I have the exact same thought and I bet that means it won’t actually happen if only because Aya Cash is so (problematic phrase alert) “Jewish looking”

I see you’re just posting through it huh?

If that detail bothers you so much maybe this isn’t the show for you?

“Cunt” is basically just a normal word in the UK

I like MM’s shirts. There’s a consistent theme to them, all referencing golden age hip-hop etc.

Caught up with this a few days late. This was an excellent episode, maybe the best in the run of the series. Great stuff from end to end. Great satire of overblown corporate superhero movies with on the nose references to “Joss rewrite” and that stupid “girl power” scene from Avengers: Endgame that still worked.

I totally agree and that’s why I find Butcher’s take on the situation to be perfectly reasonable. I’m amazed at how harsh commenters are being on him

I disagree and I’m really enjoying this season more than the first but whatever. I agree with you that Hughie is no longer the protagonist and I think it’s great. He’s a drip

Yeah I was wondering about that. She starts talking him down and seemed a little worried. I was wondering if he could laser her the way he does everyone else or if she had a way of stopping it

That was a bad scene I agree

Not that it matters but this was maybe my favorite episode in the run of the series so far so . . .

Maria Menounos has also done “recon” on Bar Rescue several times! It’s always fun when she’s on the show

A supe raping his wife isn’t enough motivation for you?

As I keep saying on these boards the new alt right really is just the same old racism in new clothes

Is there anything to concretely suggest that Butcher was abusive to her

I think he does really love Becca it’s just that in the end it’s outweighed by his (to me very understandable) not being able to stand the idea of raising Homelander’s son, both on an emotional level and in the sense that they’ll never be free of Vought/Homelander as long as the kid is around them

I can’t really see them getting along or collaborating in any sense though. It’s non-negotiable to Homelander that he be the leader/public face of The Seven. He’s always going to be at odds with anyone who seems to threaten that in any way 

Exactly this. In other words the typical functioning of capitalism/neoliberalism

Wow I thought it was by far the worst!

I say skip ‘em, especially the space ones which had a couple funny eps but overall was as bad as the show has gotten. The only thing is, if you’re a stickler for continuity (spoiler alert I guess) you get to see how that coma dream segues into “reality”