A Blaffair to Rememblack

You can easily skip both imho

I had the exact same thought (and many others did as well apparently). I thought both she and Jessica Walter sounded . . .hoarse? tired? They genuinely sounded different

Yeah it was weird. Homelander actually seemed sympathetic for a minute and it made it seem like Gus Fring is the real villain. His logic about their respective positions at Vought made a lot of sense

From your comments it sounds like you don’t have much or an understanding of the far right and therefore don’t understand what they’re going for with the character or don’t think there’s any real world analogue to her. That’s perfectly okay. It’s a depressing subject

As I say above Cassandra Fairbanks and Laura Loomer would be rough analogues, maybe a bit of Ann Coulter too though she’s old and fading from relevance

I agree. I’d be very surprised if they didn’t know and if that’s not the reason Vought made her part of the Seven

If there is a real life equivalent I’d think some like Cassandra Fairbanks or Laura Loomer

Correction: antifa are by definition not fascists. It is true that the pacific northwest has been a hotbed of fascist activity for a long time but this has absolutely nothing to do with antifa who, as you might glean from the name, are the ones fighting the fascists. They are not giving the left a bad name except

You literally just described exactly what the rebranded “alt right” is going for when you said: Portland hipster chick’ but lawlz actually is a wanton racist murder. 

There are lots of female fascists

I’ve never read the comic books but people who had were saying that in the comics Stormfront is a man and is a straight up overt Nazi. In the first two episodes of season 2 of the tv show the character has the same name but is a woman who seemed to be more of a Millennial hipster type. From that vantage point I wasn’t

I think they’re assuming her to be a racist because of Stormfront, the big neo-nazi website, which I think doesn’t exist anymore thankfully but certainly existed at the time the comics were coming out. But you’re right this version of the character sounds completely different from what was in the comics so I’m not

Never read the comic either and I’m confused as to why people are calling her racist. Is it merely because of the name? Was the name really chosen with that intention? If so yikes

I find it entertaining because it’s funny and the actor is very good, but the problem is it’s not connected to the rest of the action. It might as well be a different show at this point. And I find the gills effect very upsetting too for some reason

This might be dumb and it’s coming someone who’s never read the comic books but I find Homelander in the tv show to be fascinating because he is basically, as he says, a god. He’s so powerful that he can basically do whatever he wants at any given moment. So the usual tough talk TV drama scenes have this added element

That’s certainly . . .a response

The history of black people and other POC, particularly those at the higher echelons of money power, supporting white supremacy: from Kanye West to Candace Owens to Condoleeza Rice to Colin Powell, is pretty well established

It’s certainly a dark, cynical world view but it’s punctuated by moments of dark humor. That’s what keeps it watchable for me

That’s great, but again saying a fan who strongly preferred one queen over another is exhibiting “toxic fandom” is ridiculous. That’s all I’m responding to

I mean you do you that’s great, but positing being so detached that ultimately you don’t care who wins as the right (and only?) way to be a fan is absurd.