A Blaffair to Rememblack

So “fan”(derived from fanatic) should be someone who has a completely cold, detached, unemotional reaction to that which they’re a fan of.  Makes sense!

Derrick is one of my favorites and I would’ve preferred him being around longer but there simply were some boring queens this year: Mayhem and Mariah are nice people but boring ass queens. Alexis and India are boring as queens AND unlikable as people. Derrick would’ve been preferrable to any of them

It’s “toxic fandom” to say you’re mad that one queen won and would’ve preferred another? wow okay

I agree with what you’re saying intellectually but I’m having a hard time getting that worked up about it.

Shea probably decided to do the robot because an android vibe is a big part of Janelle Monae’s shtick so the robot is kind of an appropriate dance to any of her songs, if a bit literal

I would’ve voted for Jujubee just out of sentimentality over her distinguished tenure on Drag Race and finding her the most likable, but it was clear that this was Shea’s season from fairly early on. 

Blair’s bombing was one of the funniest, most compelling things ever in the history of RPDR. It was just such amazing cringe comedy or anti-comedy. It may have been one of the great terrible performances ever on the show. That notebook! She read directly from it! And the way she awkwardly turned the pages and as Shea

I barely understood Jujubee’s sleep paralysis “joke”. It was a real reach

I can’t believe it’s still going. It seems wrong for it to exist now that the MCU’s ended

I agree. I don’t mind the queens doing cis gendered male characters as long as there’s something femme or, I guess, queer about then a la Michael Jackson or Paul Lynde, but doing a straight masculine presenting cis male is just a bridge too far. I didn’t like it when Crystal Method did that “Trainer Phil” shit either

I wouldn’t go that far but it was definitely lackluster. I don’t know why queens keep on doing Lady Gaga. Why would you imitate a person who’s not in any way funny? Lady Gaga is probably one of the least comedic people in the world

I thought both Yvie Oddly and Morgan McMichaels lived up to the billing of “lip sync assassin”.  NO one else though

Actually it’s very bad

Like I said: bland, forgettable, also boring. Lacks interesting lewks (except for this episode), no discernible talent, not funny, not engaging, no interesting talking heads . . .

India is just the definition of a bland, forgettable queen to me but I admit her runway look this week was great

I see what you mean about Shea and Alexis’s sketch but it did have the feel of the kind of TMZ drama they were satirizing. To me Mayhem and India’s sketch was borderline incomprehensible. It just had to me many twists and turns for the challenge

I agree that no queen deserves to be brought down like that except for India

I get what you’re saying about Cracker this season. I don’t know what to make of her but for some reason I very much WANT to like her

As I say above I literally always find it hilarious when queens do boy drag stuff like that and I’m very surprised to learn that people hate it

As I say above I literally always find it hilarious when queens do boy drag stuff like that and I’m very surprised to learn that people hate it