A Blaffair to Rememblack

I loved it when the queens played the SheMZ bros. I always think it’s funny when they do stuff like that. I’m simple

Not only that she’s just about as likeable as the coronavirus

Yeah Morgan McMichaels blew Cracker away. I can only think they did the double win because Ru wanted the drama of two queens possibly going home

Yes! This is a fair assessment

These are all good points. They messed up a lot. And the Blanche not being slutty enough and Cracker’s screwing up the chocolate cheesecake line were big mistakes. But I still felt their room had the best/clearest concept, even if it wasn’t fully realized and I honestly didn’t get a single laugh out of Gold and didn’t

That’s my point. If Kim really just wanted to help people she could become a Public Defender for $40,o00 a year or whatever. This pro bono practice is simply a way for her to need a lot of money which gives her an excuse to destroy Howard

“Why is lesbian in there like it’s her job title?” (Rick and Morty reference)

Wow I wish Nini had done better

I enjoy these types of seasons as well but, and this is going to sound like some ridiculous “Maybe it was a little TOO perfect” complaint, but the almost total lack of interpersonal conflict made it maybe a bit boring at times? I love this new breed of reality competition shows like Great British BAking Show where the

I wouldn’t go so far as to say I can see his appeal now. But I don’t hate him like I used to

He seems like one of the most boring people in the world to me. I’m sure he’s nice though

The way it was structured it was really hard had for the viewer to guess who might be winning. With four dishes there were so many factors and it was all in the editing. I suppose that created some much needed suspense but it also made the reasoning behind the final choice kind of opaque to me

It may not be something he admits publicly but for Brian V I imagine the frustration of the Top Chef situation has to be compounded by the fact that his brother has won and is generally seen as a better cooler bigger chef at this point in general. 

This is one of those times when I just don’t understand reality competition show judging (or recapping) because I thought the Golden Girls room was by far the best of the three concepts and I thought the Rich/gold one was the worst. The Golden Girls one at least had some jokes and the Amazon had one or two. Team rich

Miss Cracker’s behavior was so out of nowhere for me. I don’t remember her acting like that at all on her season. 

I agree with some of your criticisms but not the ones about Summer and Morty’s characterizations. I think it’s been referenced that Morty is really into video games before, or at least as into them as the next 14 year old. The main running gag is about his constant horniness/masturbation but I feel like video games

Why . . .would . . .God!...need...a..starship!?

I agree. Much like Rick’s behavior at the end of the previous “Vat of Acid” episode I thought Summer’s verbal assault of her father here was just too dark and mean spirited even by the standards of the show. Thankfully the episode sort of settled down after that and didn’t continue in that tone as opposed to “Vat of

These are good points. I think both this comment and your reply to the other poster make fair points and sincerely have changed my opinion a little bit. I’d just like to clarify that my earlier point wasn’t that the other queens would be “too fragile” to deal but just that it might not seem fair either to the queens

I wouldn’t go quite that far. I think it was entertaining and way better than it had any right to be. But there’s still something missing without having all the queens in the same physical space with Ru, seeing them react to each other in that space etc.