A Blaffair to Rememblack

I didn’t watch the one from last night yet but I really liked the second one. I take your point that Vanessa Williams was the only actual celebrity to that show yet but I thought having three black women of around the same age gave that one a nice energy that the first one lacked. But the first one reaaallllly

I agree that what Jackie did was more in the tradition of actual one man/one woman shows in that it was autobiographical and personal. I would’ve given her the win if it was up to me.

Yes. It certainly speaks well of him the way he handled himself after losing. And I’m really not basing seeing him as unlikable on this episode. Just in general the post brush with death shaved headed Kevin seems more like just another aggro intense male chef now

Yes. He did have a beard and he also had a head full of bushy curly hair. I know this is true but somehow I typed it wrong. Really dumb looking mistake. Sorry

Yes. He did have a beard and he also had a head full of bushy curly hair. I know this is true but somehow I typed it wrong. Really dumb looking mistake. Sorry

Yeah Kevin has changed so much since his very first TC season when he didn’t have a beard and seemed like this whimsical weird guy and was a fan favorite. The only thing I’ll say in his defense now is that he did very nearly die and that can change you as a person and maybe it’s part of what’s made him so much more

It seemed crazy at first but ended up being really smart. And picking Stephanie was really smart as well. She takes direction really well

Yeah I agree about LeAnne. I think she has a lot of residual good will built up from past seasons but her performance hasn’t been that strong on either this season or the previous all-stars where she had to leave. She doesn’t work well on teams and she doesn’t put out great dishes in individual challenges either

I agree. It’s tough to come up with 5 minutes of a one woman show type of thing in a short amount of time but I thought they were all pretty bad. I’m really surprised at how positive Kate was in her write up. Heidi had a good concept but it was cringeworthy seeing her trying to act as like 5 different characters with

I thought the joke was that Morty came up with a story that technically met the minimal standards of passing the Bechdel test but was a) terrible and b) wasn’t actually feminist in any way

I agree. This reminded me a lot of on Community when Harmon just got too meta and too up his own ass. And it’s not auspicious that we’re already here in like the 35th episode of Rick and Morty whereas at least Community went through multiple 22-25 episode broadcast TV seasons before it got to this point

I agree but I think this was a new level of remove and abstraction and randomness that made this episode difficult for me to enjoy. Even the heist episode had a general sense of fun that this one lacked and wasn’t this many levels of meta (while also having the poignant and dark storyline about how Rick was screwing

I’m generally not a fan of Zack’s writing at all but I think this recap/review was perfectly reasonable response to such a befuddling, 22 minutes of television

You’ve never seen Community then

Commenting like a psychopath two years later: But Lost didn’t really have “time jumps” for the most part except in one very famous case and then at the very end where it went off the rails. What it had, very effectively, were the much more straightforward and more common device of “flashbacks”. Episodes would

Realizing that Billy and the Man in Black were the same person at two different points in his life is what killed the show for you? That’s weird!

They don’t call him Wack Handlin’ for nothing!

I agree the double save should’ve been last week but I’m still glad they did it as sort of a makeup and it worked for the positive vibe of the episode. But it also makes things anti-climactic as it’s obvious that Jackie and Heidi will be the next two to go almost certainly


I have very little faith that you’re talking about here was intentional but maybe