A Blaffair to Rememblack

You were absolutely right to be confused because the challenge was completely confused. I really had no idea if the point was to try to make some serious point about a political issue or to act like a real politician or just to use the political debate as a backdrop for the usual Drag Race double entendres and broad

I think that would have been a good idea but I didn’t even realize that’s what she was doing

I kind of see what you’re saying about Gigi. I’d say she’s kind of stuck in between the two

Maher is a racist reactionary so . . .

Yeah I really thought it was gonna be a double shontay after the strength of the lip syncs. And you’re completely right it should’ve been Gigi in the bottom not Jackie

Okay bro

Better Call Saul is most definitely a morality play, just as Breaking Bad was before it, just as El Camino was for that matter. I know he doesn’t have soul creative control over this series but Vince Gilligan and most of the main writers are very moralistic people and this is immediately clear if you’ve ever read any

I’m not buying it. A problem with this show and Breaking Bad is that the major characters are so well written and well acted that the viewer completely understands and most often sympathizes with their motivations and rationalizations. Everything you say is true in that it’s the way that the fictional character of Kim

I totally agree and I say in a comment above how I think Kim is a reaction to that sort of female character specifically in Breaking Bad and other male anti-hero prestige cable shows. There are so many shows where “wife” and similar roles are written basically as wet blankets/obstacles to the male protagonist. I think

I said to a friend recently that I think Kim Wexler may in part be a reaction by Gilligan and company of how badly written female characters were in Breaking Bad, particularly Skyler. Skyler was obviously morally in the right, particularly in comparison to a truly evil person like Walt, but because Walt was the

Right and that’s another example of how sick and destructive their relationship is. If there’s the tiniest possible rationalization that she or Jimmy are being fucked with and some stuffed shirt is to blame she wants to respond a thousandfold, but it’s all just a thin cover for the love of the con and love of

Yeah this part is dumb. It seems like what she really wants to do is work for some kind of non-profit or Legal Aid clinic or something. So why doesn’t she just ....do that?

You don’t need money on a “wide scale” to help people, particularly if you’re already an accomplished lawyer. Like I said above she could be a lawyer for the ACLU or some other non-profit (the innocence project etc) or she could simply become a public defender

I totally agree. I find it weird when people on here seem to buy into Jimmy and Kim’s bullshit rationalizations that Howard somehow even semi-deserves what’s coming to him. Initially Howard was kind of taking the fall so Jimmy didn’t have to know that his own brother was the one screwing him over from behind the

Of course she never really liked the guy but specifically deciding to destroy him professionally (when his profession is everything to him) is a big leap from that

That’s just a rationalization. If she really cared about helping people I’m sure an accomplished lawyer could find a job with some kind of non-profit like the ACLU or something or she could simply become a public defender sort of leaning into what she’s doing already. She’s just happened to choose the most complicated

The thing with Jimmy and Kim is it’s never really about the money. It’s about the weird personal grudge, in this case against Howard. They’re very Trump like in that way

It still felt abrupt to me. At the beginning of the season Kim was extremely angry at the idea of lying to one of her criminal defense clients for the client’s own good. And now she jumps to this! She’s already implicitly accepted money from a Mexican drug cartel and accepted money being in bed with them and now she

I get that Jan came off as manic and desperate in this episode, because she was and for good reason. What I’m more reacting to is how a certain narrative was decided on for her pre-loaded from like the second episode

I feel like I was the lone Jan fan in these comments. Others saw her as Tracy Flicke/what’s her name from Glee type but I didn’t. I praise her for her under-noticed extreme fishiness and her singing and dancing abilities. Yes I admit there was a certain X-factor missing but the extent of that was over-stated. It felt