A Blaffair to Rememblack

My understanding was the finale had not been filmed pre-lockdown

My point is their sick relationship and continually enabling each others worst characteristics is what got them to this moment. But Jimmy is by far the worse of the two. Kim literally directly and clearly asked him not to do this insane dangerous criminal thing and he did it anyway. Now here she is saving his ass from

Unintentionally she “saved” Lalo by standing in front of Mike’s shot (and this assumes Mike was ready to take the shot and not just using the scope for surveillance) but she definitely, intentionally protected Saul/Jimmy for Lalo by backing up his lie and saying what she said to Lalo

I feel like I was alone in this but I kept on expecting Kim after  x many retellings to say something like “Cut the shit Jimmy I was the bullet hole in your coffee mug,” but then it went completely a different way and I expected THAT way to be something where the kind of bravado she might bring as a tactic in a

I realize this is probably not a popular point of view but having someone who will lie for you and cover for you no matter what as you do insane dangerous criminal shit behind her back is a sick relationship and not an “ideal” anything.

I agree. That’s what I thought when it was assigned. I guess the “Madonna Forever” assignment meant something like present day Madonna and frankly other than fried fish video no one really knows what Madonna is up to these days. It’s not an iconic phase like most of the others were (and frankly some of those were even

You would think but this season comes on the heels of a few seasons filled with fairly weak underwhelming queens

He’s a foreign national accused of a very serious crime. He has a huge incentive to just go back to Mexico so it’s unlikely he’d be given bail at all

Yeah I get tired of people saying “oooh Kim’s gonna die horribly” etc. At this point that would be the obvious, predictable route so I’m hoping they come up with something more interesting

Yes. That’s how I saw it too. When I was a kid I definitely saw this as the best of the three movies due to the great action sequences and the fact that it wrapped the series up with a satisfactory conclusion. And I liked the Ewoks. I found them to be a fun new cute weird race of creatures. It wasn’t until I was an

As a 10 year old seeing this first run in the theater I remembered it pretty much exactly the way Breihan describes it, as a somewhat episodic succession of bravura action set pieces, primarily the sarlacc pit action sequence and the speeder bike chase, that were probably the best action scenes in the original

I remember reading stuff asserting that the reason they switched from Wookies to Ewoks was that they felt that Wookies had been too humanized through Chewbacca so they created a new race that was more primitive and animalistic like Wookies were supposed to have been initially. Nowadays it’s fashionable to hate Ewoks

Katherine Hepburn and Tina Turner aren’t gay icons? And there was also a Bernadette Peters.

Yes I think you’re correct. Unfortunately it looked like She Who Will Not be Named did the best Snatch Game and probably should’ve won the week. Watching the show is getting uncanny/funny/strange as they seem to be editing her out more and more as they go along to the point where you barely notice she exists until you

That’s my problem with a lot of this stuff. It’s obvious to me that Lucas didn’t have everything figured out and didn’t have some huge universe mapped out from the very beginning. But he perpetuated the myth that it id basically for marketing purposes

I was 10 years old watching this in the theaters in 1983 and I agree that Yoda’s death/fading away was a really powerful moment. The other thing I’ll say, but this time something that no one will agree with, was that most people liked the Ewoks and found them cute. But that may be my memory just because I was a stupid

I don’t really buy everything that Lucas has said about these movies. He’s said so much ridiculous and self-contradictory stuff. But even then my main issue isn’t so much authorial intent as to whether the Anakin Skywaler starts good turns evil then turns good again in the last second arc was an interesting one or

It never occurred to me that anyone could see it as anything but BAD storytelling. And mentioning the prequels, where they ran with that decision and made it the main arc of the series to what most people at least see as pretty poor results is a bizarre defense.

It’s pretty clear to me as someone old enough to have

Yes! I somehow forgot about Marco. But you could say the Marco relationship just goes to show that Jimmy can only be friends or romantic partners with someone if they’re as good and as deep into conning and scamming as he is

I think there was more truth to what Walt was saying while Jimmy was more high on his own supply so to speak