A Blaffair to Rememblack

I mean it was like the fifth episode when Walt made this stuff that looks like crystal meth but explodes when you throw it at something. This show has never been realistic with this stuff or realistic in general.

To be perfectly honest, unlike in my comment above, I don’t really understand why they worked to put Lalo in prison only to then get him out.

I agree. While Mike going through the machinations to put Lalo in jail only to then scheme to get him out of jail in only a couple episodes may have been necessary for other plot reasons it wasn’t that satisfying to see it unfold from a narrative perspective

Jimmy still has huge unresolved feelings about Chuck’s death including a lot of guilt. The way he’s dealt with that is to blame Howard for Chuck’s death somehow

I wonder if Jimmy is or ever was capable of having a friend

Yep Kim seemingly has no friends or family and her entire life is consumed with her career and her relationship with Jimmy. It’s pretty sad

How do you square all the graffiti and vandalism that Nacho did with this theory of what happened?

A specific thing like one thing like “please call off what you’re planning tomorrow. I’ve decided to handle things a different way” yes not all the time but generally yes. If we’re talking about something more general like addiction or a deeper pattern of behavior then no

Oh it is

Hahahah ikr I honestly think in fishiness she’s up there among the greatest of all time not just this season but apparently that’s not a widely held opinion

I really like Nicky. I’m surprise more people weren’t more taken by her. Like I said somewhere else I think she’s one of the greatest look/fashion queens ever

Aiden has a sourpuss face a sour attitude and boring basic drag and lame makeup. What’s to like? She’s not the worst actress in Drag Race herstory but that’s not saying a lot. It’s still not right how all the other girls ganged up on her though

Wow I was really surprised and upset to see Nicky go home so easy. I had her for top four. She’s one of the greatest if not the greatest look queens of all time IMHO and I liked her personality. I do agree that she used the language barrier excuse too much though. She spoke English so well she was basically bilingual

I just irrationally can’t stand her. Her makeup her outfit her personality I just irrationally hate all of them and don’t like seeing her there. I feel like she should’ve been the first or second to go. Having said that even I acknowledge that the other girls haven’t been exactly giving off the most welcoming vibes to

Wow everyone’s take on Brita is way harsher than mine. I mean, I find her largely underwhelming but I don’t see her as a backstabber or a villain in the tradition of some of these other queens you folks are mentioning. I do think she’s a little bit boring and do agree that she has that delusional thing going on that

Yes. I agree. They have a sick relationship. That’s part of it too

I guess what I’m thinking of when I say the show is ridiculous about this stuff is primarily Jimmy/Saul’s practice as a criminal defense lawyer. (I’m not a lawyer but I was a paralegal in the New York County DA’s office for awhile so that’s the part I notice the most) The stunt that he pulled with seating the

Yeah I really thought this would be the end of the relationship between Jimmy and Kim and he’d get even more twisted and broken because of that, similar to the way Chuck’s death affected him

She was in the Mister Show reboot for Netflix so she has some kind of relationship to Bob Odenkirk!

Because the architecture of the school kind of looked like the architecture of a mall I briefly thought that this was part of the black and white fast forward but now we’d gone color for some reason!