A Blaffair to Rememblack

I think Donna does go on to acknowledge that Kim actually did say it on the way to making some kind of convoluted point that usually she (Donna) hates it when characters say it but here she likes it. I agree it’s a really poorly written part of the recap

Because she finally realizes how much of an unrepentant con man/criminal he is at heart and that’s the only she can keep him in her life

The legal stuff on this show has always been completely ridiculous

She loves it but she would’ve had a perfectly nice life and never discovered how much she loves it if it hadn’t been for Jimmy. Like Walt, Jimmy IS cancer

I knew people would be saying stuff like this and I completely disagree. This reminds me a bit of dudes who defended Walter White in the later seasons of Breaking Bad. You’ve bought way too much into Jimmy’s self-mythologizing. In real life an adult should be able to stop doing something if they’re firmly asked to by

Right. I agree. Her NOT getting in the car was the part of her that decided to just go along with Jimmy’s schemes and marry him. It was her incredible stuborness and willingness to do incredibly stupid ridiculous things to prove some point or because it’s ultimately “for the right reasons” in her mind as you say. Her

I texted to a friend that Jimmy/Saul was being such an asshole he was actually making me sympathize with a bank

I’m not sure why so many people are acting as if that final line means that Jimmy and Kim are definitely going to get married. I mean, maybe they will but this show is seldom that straightforward

I think Jimmy/Saul does everything he does for one of a few very simple motives. Everything’s motivated by one or more of the following factors: 1. desire for revenge against his enemies/”the man” in a more general sense 2. Desire to WIN and 3. The general thrill of the con/the game (Jimmy’s a lot like Trump if you

Yeah Jimmy/Saul was just so far over the line with this one. It’s the moment he became totally irredeemable to me. I don’t see how you could possibly defend his actions on any level but I’m sure weird dudes on the internet will try

There was a method but only if you accept Jimmy’s extreme ends always justify the means “ethnics”. He basically attacked, humiliated and embarrassed his romantic partner in a professional setting. Even if it was “all for show” on some level nothing justifies what he did in that meeting and that’s aside from how much

I see what you’re saying here but isn’t it a bit more complicated than that? Wasn’t Howard also taking the fall for Chuck’s actions partly in a bid to save Jimmy from knowing that it was his own brother who was doing all these things to him?

I was really sad to see Rock go home as well. A really likable queen and I think she had an interesting aesthetic. Adrien should have been the one to lip sync. I understand the issue with Rock’s third look but I think it wasn’t as bad as Adrien’s third look which smacked of lack of effort

You’re probably the only person in history to refer to Brian Malarkey as Brian and not Malarkey

I’ve never liked Joe and I still don’t like him. He’s not History’s Greatest Monster or anything I just don’t like him

Your comment was such boilerplate conservative bullshit it could’ve easily been generated by a bot. Not only have you provided no evidence of thinking for yourself I’m not sure you could pass a Turing Test

We can’t all be as original as you

Wow you’re tiresome

This is approaching “I’m not mad I’m actually laughing” territory here. At this point you’ve left multiple lengthy overheated comments proclaiming loudly how cool and chill you are with what Donna said and how it’s not really worth thinking about and how everyone else is getting too worked up about it and you’re

ok boomer