A Blaffair to Rememblack

Since people aren’t easily understanding what you’re trying to say maybe you shouldn’t just randomly slam two buzzwords together and pretend the result means something?


“retconning wokeness”  Because some of the previous Doctor incarnations were non-white? If that’s not what you mean (and that’s a stretch) I have no idea what you’re talking about

Yeah the only thing about the extra regenerations/lives I like is that formalistically it leads to a lot of narrative possibilities in the present story, as we potentially encounter these other Doctors, like Ruth. And it’s a less stupid explanation than figuring some way to retcon it within the existing 12

Right that’s the kind of stuff I was thinking of. I don’t really count the Chuck breaking and entering thing because that was all ginned up by Chuck. Jimmy had had access to Chuck’s house for years because he took care of him. Chuck was keeping him out just to get that reaction. I confess I forgot most of the details

Saul didn’t talk his way out of it. He did what Nacho and Lalo told him to do, committing a very serious crime in the process (using attorney client privilege as a tool to communicate a serious criminal conspiracy)

I think this episode was a major turning point in the whole Jimmy/Saul’s series arc. As far as I know this was the first time that Saul was willing to straight up act as a “criminal, lawyer” and not merely a criminal lawyer. He’s messed around the edges of it before but Nacho and Lalo are asking him to use attorney

What’s it like to have no soul and just mindlessly follow capitalism?

The guy was exactly right and Kim knew it. That was the point

We know that Kim came from a working class or even poor background but that doesn’t necessarily equate to getting evicted so often it becomes the norm. It certainly could, but it doesn’t have to. Having said that I guess I’m naive because I never once imagined Kim wasn’t telling the truth. I thought the moral was that

I love that piece though.  It has real “wall power” hahahaha

Obviously what I mean is that when you have shows with a huge body of episodes like say SNL and Curb Your Enthusiasm (the example given) the episodes are graded against other episodes of the show. They aren’t taking into account the fact that some viewers may feel an A episode of SNL isn’t even as good as a F episode

I mostly agree. The episodes have been sped up to the point of being disjointed starting with “Spyfall”. That one was the worst offender and it’s chilled out a bit since then but still the pacing has been way off

Yeah I’m generally an “Eeyore” myself and hate relentlessly positive people but only after reading the recap did it occur to me that Graham was teasing and making fun of someone who’d lost virtually everyone he knew in war. What’s worse is I think we were meant to side with Graham and appreciate his can do attitude

A lot of people complained about the usual SNL sound issues that I’m not enough of an audiophile to notice. But, more annoyingly, others complained by Byrne’s singing, the choreography etc.

Yeah I was really surprised and disappointed that they decided to go with a third iteration of the Diner Lobster/Bodega bathroom thing. I can sese indulging them the second one, since the first was so popular and they kind of deserved a victory lap. But the third one is nothing but just setting up something similar

No they weren’t. They were pretty solid even for today

Yeah Byrne was amazing. It really surprised me that people were complaining about his performance. I was amazed how good he sounded doing such an old song and I really loved the staging an choreography etc.

The grade is against other episodes of the same show not against every episode of every tv show ever. I can’t believe there are people who still don’t get this

It was the exact same as his current Broadway show