A Blaffair to Rememblack

It was also nice that they changed the format about as much as is allowed on contemporary, machine-like SNL

No he’s not

Yeah the Trump/Baldwin thing is bizarre. I’m sure some SNL geek on here would know the answer but has there ever been a time when a current cast member didn’t play the current President before?

Donna made a mistake but I think BCS itself made a ton of mistakes with this. The packets of white powder certainly look like cocaine or perhaps some type of cheap speed. “Glass” was used a slang term because of the crytstaline glassy appearance of crystal meth. What’s in those baggies doesn’t look like that at all so

Yeah I’ve been saying that for awhile. BCS is effectively two different shows which just happen to both be set in ABQ now. I’m intrigued by the end of this ep though and hope it leads to more integration

I wouldn’t say he’s a softie but he has way more scruples than most of the career criminals we watch on this show.

Ever since it was revealed, some time ago in show time, that Chuck was source of Jimmy getting screwed over at HHM and not Howard, I haven’t even really understood why Jimmy still seems to hate Howard

“Lookin better every day/You got that Benjamin Button”

Yeah like a lot of Breaking Bad’s depictions of actual low level street crime it was completely ridiculous. They did tons of what looks like coke but what they call “glass” (meth) even though calling it that makes no sense since it’s a white powder and not crystals then they randomly do a bunch of vandalism and

My issue isn’t so much that I like the Gus/Mike/Nacho plot less than the Jimmy/Saul/Kim plot but that the two stories intersect so little they might as well be two different ABQ-set shows. I’m intrigued with how this episode ended and if this can lead to the two shows being better integrated I’d be happy

What a great premiere! This is the most optimistic I’ve felt after a season premiere of Drag Race in a long time. The most important factor in whether a season is good or not is the casting of the queens. And if the next group is as strong as the first seven it’s going to be the most promising group since idk Season

Honestly the “Drunk History” depiction of this event was way better than this Doctor Who episode

It’s pretty consistent that the Doctor never follows the “sacrifice one person to save countless others” way of thinking even if that one person is just a random person of no historical significance

Well in the “butterfly effect” take on fictional time travel where even the slightest change has huge consequences I’d think the premature death of a major historical figure would be a huge deal, but Doctor Who doesn’t usually follow that theory to be fair

That’s fair. And also people possibly facing jail are at their lowest point and so would be desperate enough to leverage everything they had to the hilt in order to get out of that.

Hahahaha her look was a little on the nose. She looked like a newswoman from the 80s but she played the part well and the kid has moxie

Here’s a weird thought that’s probably not actually what they meant in story. Jimmy/Saul/Gene was tensely reading newspapers at that diner. Maybe it was meant to be in Albuquerque and he drove there (with Missouri plates) specifically to look at newspapers etc. to see if there were any stories about Walter White’s

Yeah I think killing Werner was the big turning point for Mike

Yeah I’m pretty sure Saul/Jimmy took the vacuum cleaner salesman route because he was a huge part of one the biggest drug running operations of all time and an accomplice of two men who committed multiple murders and were involved in the murders of multiple LEOs, not because of the relatively lowkey events of Better

There weren’t that many of those even 15ish years ago when this is happening