A Blaffair to Rememblack

He was but he provided an interesting, different presence on the show. And McKean’s an amazing actor

It’s off the bill. One of the zillion unrealistic aspects of BCS’s depiction of criminal law is that all of these down and out looking defendants have money for a lawyer (and in the case of that dumb defendant to pay for a trial. What they don’t tell you is that defendants have to pay the court for the costs of having

I would’ve preferred for it to be 5 seasons like Breaking Bad

Shouldn’t they all be socially awkward since they’re quasi-immortal Time Lords and not 21st century humans? I get that they learn things from being around humans etc. but it still seems like the default should be that they’re weird aliens and not humans

I agree. I also liked this episode much more than what seems to be the consensus. It was wide-ranging and full of incident and managed a bunch of different tones (which the recapper says means it’s tonally all over the place and that’s a bad thing) The exploration of what it’s like for the companions to go back home

It reminded me of Good Omens!

He does go to group therapy, which I guess is helpful for some people, but it would’ve been better if it had been what I’ll call “real therapy” particularly because his problems were obviously so individualized

I don’t remember other seasons being particularly less didactic

I may be wrong but I think there was a UK-wide effort around mental health going on in the British media around the time this episode aired. Probably all BBC shows had to be a part of it

I think you’re right that that’s what was being implied but the way it was staged it looked like the garbage was only right around the river bed, like they could’ve walked a few hundred feet and not camped in garbage

i mean wasn’t the original set in London? Point being it seems odd to be attached to the Chicago setting which itself was an adaptation and I assume was chosen purely because Chicago was at the tail end of having a big rock scene at the time

I know what you mean but I thought this was less disjointed than “Skyfall”

That last one really got to me. We’re meant to think they went to camp in this place that was supposed to be beautiful to document for their travel blog. Instead the place turns out to be completely different, a garbage dump (in US English parlance), and Gabriela explicitly says she doesn’t want to camp in a garbage

I agree. It’s the same thing I didn’t like about Parks and Recreation

I agree. It’s the same thing I didn’t like about Parks and Recreation

Thinking about it now “pretty terrible” was probably extreme and I agree Watt was a decent host and did far better than most athletes who host. The problems were more with most of the material than him.

You’re horny we get it

Lebron is a legitimately good comic actor. He was great in “Trainwreck”

Honestly Charles Barkley is one of my favorite hosts ever.  He’s not a good actor but there’s just something funny about his presence

I mean, he’s an actor right? Or do you think he just plays himself in every role?