A Blaffair to Rememblack

Death is a part of life my friend. I didn’t think the show would be mature enough to address this but they did. They’re not in “heaven” because heaven is a ridiculous construct that doesn’t exist. They’re in “The Good Place” where they’re given the chance to learn and travel and experience amazing things and work out

Frankly I didn’t think it was depressing enough. But yes I guess they “Kill themselves” in some strictly literal sense. But they’ve already lived for thousands of years and fulfilled every need, learned everything they could, resolved every single earthly conflict etc. It’s not comparable to suicide here on earth.

That’s a good point. I’m in the curmudgeon/contrarian minority in that I really didn’t like the “Parks and Recreation” finale which wasn’t merely a happy ending, but the most ridiculously over-the-top happy ending ever to the point that it was ridiculous. When the show didn’t with Chidi and Eleanor together looking at

Is that canonical? I’m not a big-time Whovian but my take on it was that Time Lords can travel throughout time and space but they experience moments one at a time just like you or I do.

This ended up being better than I thought it would be, and ultimately I’d give it something like a B+/A- but I still think it would’ve been better if the series had ended with the episode “Patty” i.e. with the idea of “walking through the door” having been established but without going through all the details of

Right but the bigger issue is the TARDIS looks like a police call box from 1963 which is how it was disguised when the Doctor was on the run

I like them because they seem much grittier and more dangerous than most Doctor Who villains, which makes them see actually formidable

Yeah I only started with (I think) the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) and I’m still confused a lot of the time. The weird thing about Doctor Who is afaik there’s not really a set continuity or set answer to everything the way there is with say “Star Trek” or “Star Wars”. Some things are just hard to square with each other

I agree. This was the best episode of the Whittaker/Chibnall era. While the reveal of The Master in “Spyfall” felt underwhelming to me and seemed to undercut the whole Missy arc the big reveals here felt truly mind-blowing and new but not random

No thanks!

This is probably meant to be a lame joke but if you think tv show recappers actually get paid by the word you really don’t understand how writing for the internet works

No he’s not

She’s not country. She’s just following the trend you’re talking about

I nominate Colin Quinn for worst era of update ever

I”m normally not big on grade discussions but I think this is valid. If we’re to compare this to recent SNL it’s definitely better than a B. I’d probably give it an A-. I think what’s happening with Perkins grades is he’s deluding himself into thinking there’s a higher level this show can get to so he’s leaving room

I kid of miss the bits where she’d just like do stand up sitting down on Weekend Update but I certainly don’t miss her as a presence in sketches where honestly she was largely terrible

I really preferred the seemingly obligatory political cold open being this goofy idea where the sketch takes place in hell versus the usual sand poundingly literal political material they do where everyone just says slightly more exaggerated versions of what the actual politicians themselves are saying. This was the

But they aren’t

That’s actually why I think this would’ve been a perfect bittersweet note to end on, with theme all happy in “paradise” but with the choice to make that final step whenever they like. My guess is the fact that this wasn’t the last episode means that they’re not going to end up actually dying at the end. That’s just

No. I have no hard evidence that existing eternally would be unbearable just as you have no hard evidence that it would be pleasurable