A Blaffair to Rememblack

I wish this were the finale because i thought it would’ve been a great ending for the show. It all happened a little fast but it was the perfect conclusion to the whole saga. People need to have to freedom to die was the perfect solution to all these afterlife conundrums

I wish this were the finale because i thought it would’ve been a great ending for the show. It all happened a little fast but it was the perfect conclusion to the whole saga. People need to have to freedom to die was the perfect solution to all these afterlife conundrums

I wish this were the finale because i thought it would’ve been a great ending for the show. It all happened a little fast but it was the perfect conclusion to the whole saga. People need to have to freedom to die was the perfect solution to all these afterlife conundrums

Human consciousnesses is not meant to handle immortality. Without death, like real end of your consciousness death, existence has no meaning, but the idea of death still bums people out and makes them sad. So that’s why fables of an “afterlife” were made up. But in reality existing eternally in almost any circumstance

The episode worked for me but I thought it was a little late and too obvious to do a Tesla episode, post Elon Musk and post Tesla becoming a big meme for epic bacon sriracha fucking Bill Murray hot sauce people on the internet, including an internet campaign to make a museum for him when one already exists. (I think

I agree. I thought “Spyfall” was a mess and I actually preferred the much-maligned “Orphan 55". This was the first episode of this season I thought was legitimately good.

That may be true but the reality he was living in was all a routine that “Mastermind Elliot” had created for him within his psyche. It wasn’t real

I mostly agree with your assessment but I’m a little bit easier on the episode because I thought it had some legitimately funny moments and I feel like season 4 has forgotten to be funny some of the time so that was nice to see. But the plots really did seem like wheel spinning. They just found a new arbitrary

I mostly agree with your assessment but I’m a little bit easier on the episode because I thought it had some legitimately funny moments and I feel like season 4 has forgotten to be funny some of the time so that was nice to see. But the plots really did seem like wheel spinning. They just found a new arbitrary

I agree but that’s one of the reasons why I preferred this to something like Spyfall where everyone separates and scatters to the winds. People pair off etc. but you’re not stuck with any pairing for long and they can also regroup without all being stuck in separate A B and C stories. And in this I actually thought

I agree it was way over the top when the Doctor started speechifying and just spelled everything out and underlined it three times. It was one of the most straight up didactic episodes of television I’ve ever seen outside of an afterschool special. They really should’ve rewritten that dialogue. But if we’re talking

Yeah I actually preferred this to the “Spyfall” 2 parter, which was obviously much more ambitious but I thought there were a lot more problems with it. This was getting back to something like “Average Doctor Who” which is fine with me as again being in a tiny minority who didn’t like the two parter. They weren’t on

Right. I think I understand what you’re saying and you make some good points. But I still think, and maybe it is simply because of the particulars of my experience of my personal Star Wars fandom, that Star Wars fandom is not something that’s been especially influenced by the internet anymoreso than anything else and

It already isn’t in my opinion. Sometimes I’ll watch MCU movies when they randomly air on TNT or FX or wherever just to see how they fair outside of the context of the MCU when it was an ongoing thing you could only see in theaters. The movies aren’t bad and some are way better than others but they just all seem

Yeah I’ve always thought that Lucas’s claim to have already figured out a whole 1,000 episode saga or whatever were total bullshit

He probably didn’t write the good dialogue. It’s widely said that he had lots of help from lots of old Hollywood hands, Lawrence Kasdan and Brian de Palma among them, some uncredited. The prequels were all him which is why they sucked

Yeah I remember the conventional wisdom being something like “Why did Spaceballs wait so long to parody Star Wars? It’s already too old”

My lifetime, 47 year, Star Wars fandom has had absolutely nothing to do with the internet. I was old enough just barely to see the original trilogy in the theater and my Star Wars fandom as a kid was kept up through IRL play with the Kenner toys for the most part. And in the late 80s/early 90s I remember there being

Yeah I think you’re mostly right. It does seem like the late 80s/early 90s (high school for me) was this brief interval when Star Wars was allowed to *sort of* go away. But I wonder if it’s just bias from my age because of course in high school back then you’d have to be a total loser to still be “playing star wars”

And it’s bizarre that Shadows has the reputation of not being a good game. I’m not a huge gamer but it’s one of my favorite games of all time