A Blaffair to Rememblack

I was born in 1973 so I’m the perfect age for this. Basically, it’s entirely a Gen-X thing. I saw the original Star War in the theater just barely when I was such a little kid I found it scary, but then was the perfect age when Empire and Jedi came out. Almost every kid was into it. Everyone whose parents weren’t dirt

I agree that there have been a string of episodes going back to before the break that leaned a bit too hard on the sappier aspects of the show (and on the mythology) and weren’t funny enough for me. So this was a bit of return to form to more of a straighforwardly funny episode

How do you know this was “imposed top down” and that earlier new words developed more organically? What’s the right way to introduce new words?

I don’t know what you think you’re trying to accomplish this comment i.e. whether you’re an actual MAGA chud or trying to parody them or if you’re trying to parody leftists. But either way your comment is glib and stupid and annoying

I mean the fascists lost in her war back then, yeah. Nowadays however . . .

It’s that Palpatine blood

Nice try buddy. I’ve lived for extended periods of time in two “foreign” countries (Brasil and South Korea) and completely disagree with your take on how accents are transmitted, which seems to be based on nothing but anecdotal examples from your personal life. (Mine is too but I’m not presenting myself as an

Yeah I’m a very casual Whovian so I don’t know if there’s ever been an extended run with 3 companions before but it strikes me as unwieldy. At first I thought maybe it’s an advantage because you can do two teams of two including the Doctor but then that means that two ordinary humans are off to face danger alone which

No it didn’t. TLJ was about the present-day rebellion being so weakened as to only constitute seemingly about 100 people, only a few decades after what seemed like the final triumph of ROTJ

Yes. The Disney era Star Wars things that I’ve found to be successful: pretty much just Rogue One and the Mandalorian, have been influenced by the things that influenced the Original Trilogy: mostly Westerns and World War 2 movies and Samurai movies. The JJ Abrams trilogy OTOH is influenced mostly by previous Star

For no reason I’m going to put my little reaction up on 12/28/2019. I thought it was a really strong series finale and more importantly strong final run of episodes. Probably one of the two or three strongest series endings I can think of. (Actually the only maybe as good I can think of is “Justified”) I especially

This is impressively insane

It doesn’t remain in question. It’s clear from the finale that everything that happened besides the weird reality with the happy normie other Elliot and besides various fantasies, dream sequences etc. were “real” within the terms of the show. The issue was that there were various entities fighting for control of

It’s actually a fairly good observation or question. As I say above, this show for four seasons has been a drama/techno-thriller. It hinted at the possible existence of sci-fi/fantasy elements in the show’s universe but never outright established that these kinds of things exist in the world of the show. After going

It’s actually a fairly good observation or question. As I say above, this show for four seasons has been a drama/techno-thriller. It hinted at the possible existence of sci-fi/fantasy elements in the show’s universe but never outright established that these kinds of things exist in the world of the show. After going

I’m catching up on this 10 days late and I agree with your ambivalence to an extent having just seen the ep. Mr Robot had always been basically a techno-thriller with some weird elements around the margins like Elliot’s delusions and alternate personalities. The show HINTED at some sort of time travel or multiple

You just have a complete misunderstanding of their relationship though. To say Elliot in some basic way “dislikes” Darlene is an absurd thing to say if you watch the show

You just have a complete misunderstanding of their relationship though. To say Elliot in some basic way “dislikes” Darlene is an absurd thing to say if you watch the show

You just have a complete misunderstanding of their relationship though. To say Elliot in some basic way “dislikes” Darlene is an absurd thing to say if you watch the show

I guess I was in the minority in that I didn’t really like the Holidays with relatives taped piece. There was no joke beyond contrasting an idealized picture of family and holidays with the grimy reality, which seems so basic it can barely be considered a concept. The fun of stuff like “twin bed” was that they found