A Blaffair to Rememblack

Kyle Mooney could potentially be an interesting Mayo Pete

SNL writers are generally so dumb about politics they can’t even find an angle for Mayo Pete. They’re too dumb to understand or agree with the correct interpretation: that he’s a cynical smarmy neoliberal nightmare so they find some weird idea that he’s just aiming to please or something (which is particularly bizarre

I agree. It’s not trying to be prestige TV and I don’t see why anyone would expect it to be. Prestige TV dramas are generally marked by a dark tone, complex characters and some degree of moral ambiguity. None of these things have anything to do with Star Wars. The closest Star Wars has come to this type of

I’m sorry but have you lived through the last 20 or so years of human history? Goldman Sachs? the Panama Papers? HSBC laundering trillions for terrorists and drug traffickers? the fixing of the LIBOR rate which was literally a multi-trillion dollar scam? Jeffrey Epstein? Donald Trump becoming President and staying

That’s how I feel as well for the most part. But generally this is the minority view. It’s what Noel Murray a long time ago called the “beautiful corpse theory” of television. That it’s  better to have a shorter closer to perfect run than to keep going and sacrifice quality, even if only a little bit. Most people are

I’m pretty sure Adrian was born in the 1930s which makes me part of the generation before the Boomers (roughly birth years 1946-64) sometimes called “The Silents”. I know Boomer just means “old person” or even more broadly refers to a “state of mind” now but I’m a crank about this

I’m not sure what the official fan response is to that but my take is that Nostalgia, even if you take the whole bottle at once, doesn’t give you all your memories at once. It just gives you certain memories. 

This is a good explanation

Basically Petey is a big fan of this fictional cult novel called “Fogdancing” The main character of the book at times wears a slick silver bodysuit. Then there’s a memo written by another FBI guy because Pete apparently disappeared and it says he’s been fired and there’s a big jar of what appears to be canola oil in

I go back and forth on the question of doing a second season. ON the one hand I think this one season was close to perfect and it would be cohesive for it to end where it did. OTOH it introduced so many new characters and new elements that there’s definitely enough to explore for another season or even more. 

The best Star Wars video game of all time was most definitely what I believe was the very first one: the star wars sit down arcade game. Why was this limited to just home console games?

I was going to say the exact same thing. The last two seasons of Venture Bros, particularly the most recent one, have been fantastic

The only one I’d agree was a total failure would be the Dragon Episode. I’m a big defender of the Heist episode. I thought it was really funny to see a genre parody of something that’s barely even thought of as a genre in some ways. And Morty’s plot was one of the best of the eps that shows ow dark their relationship

Yeah that Chinese govt official character he plays is so fucking annoying and seems pretty damn problematic to me, but I guess if he is ethnically Chinese and is willing to debase himself like this it’s his choice

I knew this episode would be divisive because it’s so atypical. Personally I loved it even though intellectually I think most of the critiques of it are valid. Basically I liked having a semi-reprieve from the unrelenting darkness

Yeah I thought this was a great episode. Maybe one of my favorite Mr. Robot eps ever, though notice I didn’t say “best”. It was just a really different feel and tone, probably one of the most off-model eps they’ve ever done but it was nice to see them do one like this. The way they set up all the rom-com conventions

Ah yes when a huge multi trillion dollar company is revealed to have done bad things. It instantly gets wound down and put out of existence. That’s how it works in the real world!

Beyond the fact that this money just appeared out of nowhere. You react differently to a windfall than money you knew was coming and that you work for. Hell, there are people super excited about the idea of getting 1k a month. YOu don’t think people would be excited by 51k or whatever?

Don’t know how accurate your numbers are but if the average American had 51k just appear out of nowhere I think they’d be pretty psyched. I watch game shows and cooking competition where people compete for like 10k before taxes and talk about it like it’s a life changing amount of money. 

I totally agree. I’m a huge fan of both the graphic novel and this television series and I completely agree. The “Peteypedia” materials help a little bit but I can’t fathom how someone who had never read the source graphic novel or at least seen the (very flawed) movie adaptation could possibly appreciate this or even