A Blaffair to Rememblack

I think there is a contingent of really dumb Watchmen fans who just liked the book because it was grim and gritty and dark and of course they love Rohrshach who they erroneously think was meant to be right. And yes I guess you could say Ozymandias was the “Big Bad” and he was sort of a “globalist liberal” type

The thing is pretty much all of the way up until Stonewall, being gay meant navigating this incredibly subtle and complex realm of signals that would be barely discernible to anyone today. It could literally be life-threatening to be open about it so I can believe that these two guys would be able to communicate and

Yeah you’re pretty much describing what a liberal is

Yeah I was gonna say I find it bizarre that anyone would think Angela is an example of a role model type character. If she was it wouldn’t be “Watchmen”. If anything I kind of think that with her as the main POV character it’s strange how far the show has gone to make her unappealing and morally compromised. 

From the way they interacted starting with the first scene after he became a cop I didn’t even think they were in a romantic relationship. I thought they were friends or she was a female relative. I didn’t realize they were supposed to be a couple until she said she was pregnant

I was nearly alone in liking the heist episode. I thought it was a really funny exploration of Rick getting obsessed with something trivial and then with the dark way it ended Morty’s story it felt more like season 2 or 3

Definitely seems like an important point to keep doubling down on even after having been proven wrong! 

There are episodes which aren’t genre parodies but that’s a big part of what the show does yes

See I thought the heist episode was the best of these four

I’m normally pretty harsh on Zack’s reviews but I pretty much agree with all of his criticisms here. Like he said there were a lot of interesting ideas here: Rick being in a realm where his knowledge of science didn’t help him, Rick being connected to the dragon, Morty’s D & D stuff actually coming in handy, but the

Definitely Kate and Cecily, probably Aidy too. For the guys: definitely Beck Bennet and Kyle Mooney. Keenan is institution

I agree about Trump. He’s so evil and grotesque now, and now that he’s President and not just a minor celebrity, it’s really impossible to do anything funny with the Trump character. He’s so extreme there’s no way to do a satire of him without making him seem more sympathetic than he actually is

You lost me at David Spade

The entrance and the side door and even the ballroom where the event was being held were all actually at Cipriani at 55 Wall street I believe

I don’t think so. I think she was quite simply dressing as White Rose (minister Zhang’s myserious “sister” of whatever) because Minister Zhang had just publicly murdered someone

No. I think you are onto something. My thought was that this was depicting some kind of in between stage as Elliot gradually took over from Mr. Robot. The idea that this was showing “the third” is possible too, but just the way the hair was and everything I definitely don’t think it was the back of Mr. Robot’s head

Regarding episode 413: TWSS

That’s right. I’m sick. I’m twisted. I’m the Joker baby! Or, as 2019's finest film contra what Tom Breihan says would have it: I’m “Joker”!

If there are grown women who found that pandering and contrived brief moment of corporate feminism to be genuinely inspiring or something that’s pretty sad

“You know a movie is epic when Robert Redford, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer and William Hurt each get less than a minute of screen time.”