A Blaffair to Rememblack

That’s how you know it’s “epic” huh?

Counterpoint: it was hamhanded, condescending and bad and I don’t know a single adult woman who liked it

The Tick never went away. It just changed it’s name to the Venture Bros, which is the same but way better. I have no idea why they did a second live action show

I don’t quite understand that part either

The average age of a current sitting Senator is 61 or something. So when most people think of a Senator they think of an older person. That’s the point I’m making. But if you’re limiting it to the ages people were when they were first elected to the Senate apparently 30s is not unusual

I agree. For President Day/trapped on Europa Viedt I was willing to let Irons’s grumpy old man schtick slide because he would be a grumpy old man by this point. But that he portrays him basically the same way with the same mannerisms in 1985 means he just does not have a handle on the character. Like you say he was

The general theory is that Keene’s kidnapping was staged.

a giant squid with weaponized bad vibes teleporting in from another dimension is realistic though

I loved this cold open. It may be my favorite one yet, other than the brilliant and unexpected start to the first episode. It was almost like a brilliant stand alone short film in and of itself, but given so much resonance by all the connections to the graphic novel. Though I’ve loved this whole series this far that

To Laurie it’s an insane coincidence and probably a part of her really does believe it was Dr. Manhattan. But as viewers we know that it was merely a coincidence and one of Lady Trieu’s air ships just happened to have dropped the car at that exact moment

38 or 39 is insanely young to be a Senator. He would’ve been one of the youngest ever in any timeline

As someone who’s read the comics and seen the movie I think the best parts of the tv series are those that have the least to do with the original graphic novel. It’s been great seeing the world building and new characters like Lady Trieu

That would certainly be much closer to what law enforcement is like in our reality: i.e. white supremacist organizations having thoroughly infiltrated police departments

This is as far as I’ve gotten but this for me was by far the most enjoyable of the four episodes so far. Not that many callbacks, mostly some fascinating further building of the new world and the new characters. Every subplot was fascinating and weird

That’s a good point. And in the Peteypedia stuff I think it says that she bought his company right around the time he first disappeared

There were direct scenes in the book of the Comedian doing these things

I’m pretty sure that everyone is driving electric cars, there are chargers everywhere etc. 

The film captured the visual aesthetic of the graphic novel but basically nothing else. This is a whole other, much better thing

Honestly imho no. Everyone’s trying to be nice and say you can follow this without having read the graphic novel “Watchmen” but having seen three episodes I increasingly don’t see how you could. 

We don’t really, but it’s a widely held fan theory due to how the world he’s in seems completely removed from everything else. Tomatoes grow on trees etc. and the way the clone or cyborg or whatever turned out frozen inside the old-fashioned diving suit made it seem like he went into space