A Blaffair to Rememblack

Yeah I thought the line about idolizing Travis Bickle was bizarre too. And I find it more bizarre that she wrote those sentences without considering that the most talked about movie of the year is “Joker”.

Yeah I didn’t like the scene either for that reason

I agree

Yes especially a piece of pop culture so apolitical as this lol

Not really, especially Nite Owl who extra-legally brutalizes countless people over the course of a long career as a vigilante. Besides the fact that he works with and helps truly insane dangerous people like Rohrshach

This seems to be a common sentiment. I didn’t even find to be a particularly good episode of The Good Place, let alone the best. Maybe I’ll watch it again?

Wow. Really? I’m sitting with it and maybe I”ll force myself to watch again but boy was I overwhelmed. I’m tempted to say “glorified clip show” but I think that’s a bit too harsh. There was some new material and it was good. And it was a and a great payoff at the end. But it was light on laughs (not saying laughs were

Oh God please don’t pollute these comments with xkcd or the Oatmeal or whatever this crap is

I think jokes like that are fucking hilarious and never tire of them. I guess I’m dumb or something

It reminds me of the old Doctor Who adage: the Doctor lies. Honestly, forgive me if this has already been said a million times, but I think the closest comparison to “Rick and Morty” is an R-rated dark comedy version of “Doctor Who” with Rick as a rough analog to the Doctor: i.e. so intelligent and powerful as be

“I’m not a huge fan of poop jokes.” is the single most Wack Handlin’ sentence ever posted. I mean, like, that he’s one of those people is the single most predictable thing ever about this joyless bore

I haven’t done rewatches but I remember really loving Season One and Season Two but kind of getting frustrated with the show in Season Threee. After that was the long wait and now Season Four, which I feel has mostly been a return to form. But for me I’ll always remember the premier episode, which was among maybe my

And also Elliot’s hatred of pedophiles and his going after them in hacks starting with literally the first episode of the series

Yeah in general I really liked how the episode was directed and structured and edited like a filmed play/like prestige TV from the 50s and 60s including the fades to black at each act break. But I kind of agree that the one element that maybe didn’t quite work was the intrusive orchestral score. At times it almost

Yeah this was the first reasonable comment about this episode I’ve seen. A B/B- seems about right. Like you said the filmed pieces were great. The live sketches weren’t great but there were no outright disasters, which even the strongest episodes tend to have, except for maybe the weird old-timey broadway show thing.

So the whole thing is an allegory about reforming the Prison Industrial Complex kind of. Interesting

Reboot culture has gotten so out of hand you’ved got the Judge rebooting the whole universe

I agree that the first few episodes of this season were kind of lackluster and that this one was something like the show at its best. 

Is what the people are saying about your initial comment

I too love to go to school to study things I find stupid and pointless to talk about