A Blaffair to Rememblack

Yes there’s absolutely no relationship between Gamergate and other types of toxic fandom. Zero. Zilch. Nada. This is just top notch thinking

Susan Jacobs was an unarmed and defenseless corporate executive, not a Dark Army operative. And you’ve watched way too much TV and movies, and never been in a real fight, if you think what Dom did to Darlene wouldn’t count as a pretty savage beating

Darlene has never been portrayed as some kind of action hero and she’s just been brutally beaten by Dom and probably isn’t at the top off her game. 

Yeah I thought of Elliot causing the suicide of the Jake Busey character in the first episode as well. Of course, he was presented as being much less sympathetic, a sexual harasser who had some understanding of who he was actually working for, but it was another time in which Elliot used “social hacking” to

I thought this was a great episode and the best of the season. Super intense and thrilling throughout. And I liked how all the plots were different variations on the eternal thriller situation of character A cornering character B and trying to force them to do something against their will by physical threat, blackmail

Some of these opinions I agree with but you seem like a really annoying person

I liked “Runtime Error” better overall but I think in terms of the “gimmick” feeling “organic” this was better. As multiple people have posted, I didn’t even realize what the gimmick was until well into the ep it was integrated in so naturally

Yep. You’re right. This was the first unrealistic thing that’s ever happened on Mr. Robot

The answer to your second question is certainly no

All I can remember is that the Cyprus National Bank is how White Rose/the Deus Group move around their money. I don’t know if the goal is to stop them or merely to observe what they’re doing

Yes. I’m pretty sure Elliot has run directly into traffic before when he was being chased. It’s a classic Elliot move in that it’s something so crazy and dangerous only he would be willing to do it

I loved every bit of the chase. Like Alex said it was funny at times and serious and exciting at others. It wasn’t realistic in any way but who cares

There are also literally zero NYPD cops who are fit enough to run that far that fast

Perfect references for the time period

I’m glad someone mentioned the lack of time given to the backstories/personal lives of the bakers this season. I found it quite strange. I had no memory of Stephanie having 3 jobs or a job or no job. I just didn’t know, whereas in previous seasons there would be all kinds of fun moments where they show the bakers

But in other reboots she presumably came to the realization much faster. And remember that one time it was so obvious that Jason figured it out. 

Perkins I disagreed with you when you worried after Brent was introduced that he’d be a) became a major character and b) negatively affect the show in the process. I assumed he was there for some sort of one off joke like he’d be revealed to be a demon in disguise or something. They’ve stayed with him way longer than

A few Janets

I hate to associate myself with such an over-the-top negative comment but I also differ from McLevy’s take on this episode, though not to such an extreme degree. This is probably my least favorite episode of Season 4. I much preferred the previous three episodes which retained more of the techno-thriller elements of

I mostly agree with what you’re saying. It seems like sometimes media pays lip service to the idea of an “epidemic of loneliness” etc. but there’s very little true representation of it in the media or reckoning with what that really means. I think recently some study or something came out which revealed that some