A Blaffair to Rememblack

I agree that Season Three was really going off the rails but this final season has been the best the show has been since Season One

The funniest thing is didn’t Falco win an Emmy for  best actress in a Comedy or something and when she accepted she was like: “It’s a comedy?”

I think Ruth is just not good at this stuff and so it took her forever to come up with this obvious idea

I think it would be pretty tiresome if literally every single second of the show had to be related directly to wrestling

But by this point they already are in the world of wrestling though. They’re training on wrestling moves, developing characters and storylines, and even going to watch real wrestling. They’re effectively already a minor part of that world. To me the show is entertaining even though they’re not technically living as

Technically he’s promoting his big new album and his judging on the rap competition show “Rhythm + Flow” on Netflix

Yeah this was a really good episode and Chance is a great host. Honestly this might be my favorite ep since the first time he hosted. And I agree the dance troupe sketch was great, thought it was much better than Perkins thought. I also thought the “flying” sketch with Cecily was great and don’t understand Perkins’s

Yeah the joke was super obvious but it’s still odd that he didn’t follow through and actually say more of it

Yeah I really liked the Good Neighbor stuff and miss how it used to be part of nearly every episode. They could easily swap out one of the more typical filmed pieces for Kyle and Beck

At least he’s enjoyin the ride

God how I have always hated the character Dwight Schrute. Please don’t ruin “The Good Place” like this

As a treatise on the nature of evil “The Good Place” consistently falls short for me, hamstrung by the need to keep things light and funny, by the need to make those on the “evil” side of the ledger one-dimensional and not sympathetic at all, and probably by a bunch of other things as well. So I wouldn’t look at “The

I loved this episode but I can kind of see the sort of negative grade if we’re looking at things more analytically. The episode had two very different stories with different tones and styles but didn’t really cohere. And then there was a third story, the Vera part, which I actually thought was outright weak. And there

The Grimes song was when they were actually hooking up at her apartment

My justification of that is that what personality takes over can’t be predictably managed like that or fully controlled. Mr. Robot became really assertive because he knew Eliot wouldn’t have the ability to initiate conversation with Olivia so kind of forced himself to the fore. But after that Elliot was actually doing

I know what you mean. At its best the show seemed to gesture towards corporate capitalism itself being the “big bad”. To see it all coming down seemingly to one single bad actor is a bit disappointing. And the scene with Price and WR that led to the Christmas Tree coming down was a bit soap opera-ish

I don’t remember any of that. How were we supposed to remember that?

I agree. I felt like something was edited out that would’ve made the handcuffs scene make more sense

I remember lots of people predicting this (I sure wasn’t one of them) but apparently I hallucinated or something because no one else remembers it that way

Since the show is ostensibly about heaven/the afterlife and therefore religion (sorta) it’s kind of interesting that Jason seems to represent pure faith in that he’s willing to accept things without proof. The other characters are much more driven by intellect/doubt