A Blaffair to Rememblack

I don’t remember there being that much pushback against the people predicting that but congrats 

I see your point but I think they would’ve rooted for Walt to triumph over his non-white competitors in business and his (“shrew” or “ungrateful”) wife. 

I watched it. It’s pretty much the definition of unnecessary

I imagine if it came out during the Trump era Walt would unironically be embraced as a hero by alt-right and MRA types

Absolutely. If anyone had actually experienced the things Jesse experienced they would have such extreme PTSD that they couldn’t really function. The show kind of nods to that but not really

I was pretty disappointed with El Camino. I loved all of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul (and I assume Breaking Bad holds up but I haven’t watched it). This is the first Breaking Bad-verse product which disappointed me at all and which seemed unnecessary. One of the things I didn’t like about it was how much of it

Go read what I typed again. I’m talking specifically about the scene with Angela, the young girl who looked like young Angela, White Rose, the fish tank, and the vintage Apple computer that took place in the house in New Jersey. There was no particle accelerator and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t even discussed. There was

I think Season Two was the best the show ever was and Season 3 was a slight step down, but I agree with you that these first three episodes of Season 4 have probably been the weakest run in the show’s history. 

Phantom Thread came out in 2017. I’m pretty sure the timeline of the Goodplace is happening before that. So make of that what you will

Yeah I think that’s just an innate pitfall of joining the “mystery box” type heavily serialized show to the half hour comedy format. 

Not to mention she’ll probably be spending even more of her time generating social media controversies if she’s not on this show

As I’ve sad before, while the scene with Angela and White Rose and the girl and the fish tank was quite strange and surreal (and seemed to imply on some level that the girl was a young Angela) technically there was nothing sci-fi or fantasy about it. The whole thing could have been accomplished with merely a young

I think they were just trying to avoid spoilers of the season 2 finale

Oh wow I love Mr. Robot and I loved the first season of Legion but I shared the general negative opinion of the second season and never tried the third.

Of shows I’ve seen it’s come to closes to somewhat accurately depicting the alienation of living under capitalism and oligarchy. The first season is especially strong for this. If the first episode (which was 90ish minutes) had been released as a movie it would’ve been one of my favorite movies of the last 10 years.

I was always a big Angela fan, but I know that there are some Angela haters on these boards. I think Portia Doubledays acting as her was wonderful and I agree it got better and better. I honestly think it was the best sustained performance on the show aside from Rami Malek’s. She was an interesting character, starting

I thought it was Portuguese but it may just be that my mind was tricking me thinking it was a language I’m sort of familiar with

They OD’d him specifically so they could use Narcan (or whatever) to save his life. They were just showing him they were in control. They couldn’t bring him back to life if they just shot him

I honestly did for a moment entertain the possibility that Ismail was going to kill the protagonist in the season premier. I actually found the immediate revival via narcan or whatever to be a bit of a copout. I figured Elliot would just be shown in the rest of the episodes as flashback or hallucination or whatever

Just watched this a day late and wow was that great. What a ride. I know this show is flawed but still there’s nothing else quite like it on television. The opening intensity of the conversation between Angela and Price THEN going into the super intense real time thriller with Jake Busey. Truly edge of your seat stuff