A Blaffair to Rememblack

I watch a lot of Chopped and I think the decisions on Chopped are way more legible to the viewer than they are on this season of Great British Baking Show

You’re a very special guy. Your mom was right

But the Good Place has plenty of 2D characters and is still a great show. In fact other than team cockroach I’d argue that all the characters are pretty much 2d. How much depth is there really to Shaun? or Mindy? or Evil Janet? or Derek? I could go on

See Brent IS funny, contra all the hand-wringing last week. Obviously it’s a “laugh at” rather than “laugh with” situation but I can’t believe folks had so little faith in the writer’s to make the character work.

Sure thing sparky

you got it chief

Okay big guy

Okay buddy


Whoa dude it’s like you put the MEDIA on trial!

Since 2001 NBC has aired 30 Rock, Community, Parks and Recreation, the Office, and the Good Place among other good to great shows

I’m no huge fan of Perkins but I have way more respect for someone who writes for the AV Club than a shitty “comic” who just says a bunch of stupid, racist shit and calls it a “joke”.

Your point about the former resistance heroes is well taken. I remember in their heyday figures like Stewart, Colbert, Oliver etc. were seen as not just being funny comics but as performing some sort of vital function for democracy. But if you look at the record did any of them really change the course of history or

I’m not a huge Perkins fan in general but I actually think his SNL recaps are pretty good. It’s a surprisingly hard show to recap/review and I think he’s found a structure which really works and the fact that he’s been doing it for so long means that you know you’re getting a fair or at least consistent judgement of

Yes, it’ll produce a laugh, but it’s not the laugh you want. You want them to think it was funny, not” Are you a character from Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip?

This recap was bad so I’d happily join the “we”

The reason there’s an emphasis on the Showstopper is they’re to create more suspense about the elimination. But they’ve gone so far in that direction that eliminations have seemed completely arbitrary and divorced from what we’e seen happen over the three challenges

Right I think these were meant to be a different style of beignet than the ones at Cafe du Monde or wherever (Those don’t have fillings for one thing) but they are related as like a close ancestor or something

I’m not saying who else it should’ve been but it was ridiculous to me that Helena was eliminated after getting first in the technical. And because her showstopper wasn’t heavily critiqued her elimination made even less sense. As the recapper said, the elimination decisions this year have largely inscrutable and the

Yeah it was “interesting” but it had nothing to do with the 1920s theme and wasn’t appetizing looking at all. I like Helena as a person but she could only go so far on this show with such a narrow and weird aesthetic