A Blaffair to Rememblack

I thought the Anatehma and Newt thing was rushed as well but then I read this recap and thought that this is the end of the world and that Anathema knows it’s the end of the world so some Armageddon sex is a likely reaction a lot of folks would have but I agree they had zero chemistry up until that point. And then the

Surely you can enjoy something even if reviews are not as positive and don’t line up perfectly with your own views? Otherwise I’d non-snarkily agree that you shouldn’t seek out criticism, especially if you think criticism is nothing more than going out of the way to find every little fault 

I know. I was so into it I forgot that what we were in was technically a “cold open” and I checked to see when the credits started and it blew my mind that they did a 28 minute cold open! It may be the best cold open/pre-credits I’ve ever seen done, telling a story spanning literally thousands of years all to

I don’t know. A lot of it reminds me of the tone and style of (ironically enough) Tennant era “Doctor Who”. It’s all very over the top and broad but still enjoyable. If you’re looking for subtle that this isn’t the show for you, but not everything has to be subtle

To me the flashbacks were fun, funny and interesting. The rest of the show, as it goes through the complicated plot machinations, are not

I loved the Trixie Mattell and Katya show on Viceland which had a lot of “queen on the street” interviews. Vanjie could naturally do something like that or be part of their show if they’re still making it

I disagree both that this was a particularly strong group of queens. They were about average, maybe slightly above

Yeah you can be Latinx and still be white. I wouldn’t count Biana del Rio as POC even though I guess she’s Puerto Rican maybe? And Violet Chachki is certainly “white passing”. Though still I’ve never understood the complaint that Drag Race doesn’t crown POC queens when they do about half the time

I’ve never read (or even heard of) the book or even read any Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett other than “Sandman” but I was excited about it due to the cast and the very well done advertising and marketing campaign for it. I’ve only watched the first episode and thus far I’m just a little bit underwhelmed but will stay

I’m not sure if he squeezed Taran out. My assumption was that Taran left and he was the last remaining leading man/regular bro type in the cast and he started getting a lot of those parts. He has gotten to do a few weird things this season, particularly that filmed sketch with Jason Momoa, but I would like to see him

But it wasn’t really competitive. It was clear that Vanjie was going home from Ross’s comments before the lip sync even happened. It was all a contrivance to have Brook Lynne and Vanjie lip sync and Vanjie go home

I would argue that there just wasn’t any need for a lip synch other than to milk the Branjie storyline. Previous top 3/4 cuts have been done just based on Ru’s whim,”

Beck’s had a strange ride in that he’s become the de facto “leading man type” since Tarran Killam left and so he’s ended up doing a lot of straight man type roles. I loved the “Good Neighbor” filmed pieces he did with Kyle but they seem to have stopped putting those in the episodes lately

If you think the best episodes this year were “Schrieber, McAvoy and Harrington” I . . .just don’t know what to say. Other than McAvoy I’d say these were candidates for the worst episodes.

I don’t judge Perkins’s recaps of SNL as harshly as most other commenters BUT I agree that it’s probably for the best if there can be a new recapper for the next season, someone who can rethink the whole stucture of these recaps. As happens with a lot of shows, it gets stale if you have the same recapper for too long,

I’m started to think this guy isn’t doing a bit, which is incredibly sad

We’re in the same age cohort and I agree with basically everything you say. This is a great appraisal of this season.

I may be wrong but that’s not “the Drag Race version of Lizzo’s Juice”. I’m pretty sure that’s the official music video for the song

The lip sync was prime double sashay material if there’s ever been

I agree on “No Scrubs”. You’d think it might be a fun lip sync just due to the sassiness of the lyric but it’s just such a low tempo low energy song. Terrible material for a lip sync.