A Blaffair to Rememblack

Seriously I know what you mean about Soju though. She can’t even walk in heels and her drag is super basic. It seems like she’s more of a beginner queen who should be honing her craft in her local market, not appearing on Drag Race 

What exactly are Silky’s punchlines/jokes? It’s always the same joke. She’s loud, she’s annoying, she’s big etc. etc.

Silky may do better at bringing levels to her performance but she still plays the same character, herself, no matter what the acting challenge

Since it’s a platform which besides providing a breeding ground for MRAs, incels, “alt-right” types etc. also manages to bring out the worst of every single fan base I’m happy to do so

Ah yes the measured takes of the good folks at reddit

I agree with you on the Snatch Game. Every season the fan community seems to say “Worst Snatch Game ever.” I thought this one was above average as well. There were only three disasters: Yvie, Vanjie and Brooke, but they weren’t the kind of train wrecks that bring down the whole proceedings. Nina was very strong. A

Silky refusing to accept Yvie’s obviously very sincere apology was one of the most classless and immature things I’ve ever seen. 

Silky talked a little a bit about her supposed academic credentials to Ru and it sounded like total bullshit. Like I believe that on paper she has some kind of Master’s Degree but it’s probably some kind of online bullshit or diploma mill or something

I like Shuga a lot but until this week she didn’t have any particularly strong performances or runway looks IMHO. 

Silky is one of the least likable personalities in Drag Race herstory

Yeah sounds like they’re really livin it up!

I’m not sure if ever found a queen as unikable as Ra’Jah. Good riddance

I see you’re argument as to why both are unlikable as people, but as contestants on Drag Race I respect Yvie more because she really does do interesting drag and her critiques of other Queens are sincere and come from a place of wanting them to step up their game. Silky is just obnoxious and her drag is consistently

I think it’s both true that generally people remember SNL’s political humor as being better than it actually was AND that this is a worse than usual era for it. I agree that there hasn’t been that much savage satire over the years but there have been multiple periods, particularly around Presidential election cycles

Did’t Big Bang have like 35 dudes or something? hahaha

I don’t watch Colbert’s show now and I hate Trevor Noah but the Jon Stewart Daily Show and the Colbert Report, particularly the Colbert Report and particularly during the Bush era, were the best television political satire of the last 20 plus years I’d say. 

I couldn’t believe he didn’t do an Australian accent. I found this really disappointing and it ruined the sketch for me. Why not just give the role to a cast member who can do the accent then?

I liked the return of the dorm room posters sketch. Emma Stone’s voice and character cracked me up both times and I thought the other poster characters were better this time. And I liked the “Ladies Room” sketch for the weirdness and specificity, but most of the other live sketches really fell flat for me. I thought

Like I’ve said before Ra’Jah is that queen with the rare triple threat of shitty boring drag, rancid personality, and bad performance chops. Among my least favorite queens in the history of the show

To each their own, but I find Scarlet completely forgettable and devoid of personality. Not trying to argue you out of liking her but just to say the idea that she had great personality and this elimination was unfair is not I think widespread among RPDR fans