A Blaffair to Rememblack

I agree this was the best of the season other than Mulaney, which is really a whole other category since he was a writer and understands the system of how the show is put out intimately so is basically just another ensemble member

I agree that it was reasonably well done for what it was but at the same time it’s a prime example of how shallow SNL’s political sketches tend to be

In general if you examine the politics of pretty much any SNL political sketch at all closely they turn out to be utterly moronic: either shallow and glib or just outright bad, and I’m talking about the ones about US politics. Asking SNL writers to write a cogent sketch about the politics of another country is about

I agree that calling them “social justice rants” was a weird way of describing what Ilana was saying. As for apocalypse stuff, Abbi and Ilana have always had some strange beliefs.

Ra’Jah is the rare combo of shitty personality, lack of talent, and boring shitty drag all in one package

IMHO the mini-challenge was such a tossed off little thing that as a viewer I would’ve been angry if the winner got some meaningful advantage, especially because the winner was Raja (not the real one the bad one) who has a shitty personality and isn’t that talented. I have no idea why she won the mini challenge but

I’m a casual fan, having only followed the Premier League since the 2010-11 season. I used to call myself a neutral but have recently decided to call myself a MUFC supporter even though I don’t claim to be any sort of “true fan” or whatever. Anyway, the idea that Ole Gunnar would not be selected as the real Manager or

Yeah that’s what I was going to say. Oftentimes Molly is just meth or speed of some kind which would track more with the way they reacted and the super harsh comedown

It’s been so long since I’ve done Molly that the last time I did it it was called Ecstasy or “E” or “X”. I found it weird that they did it in pill form though. That’s how we did it in the 90s and early 2000s but I thought it was all powders today. I too found it weird that they’d never done it before, especially since

And worse she said “gentrification” when she meant gerrymandering. Silky is not as smart as she thinks she is. I’d love to know what the story is behind these advanced degrees she claims she has

I agree. Bizarrely I found this to be the worst episode of the season and I found the Trump “Rusical” to be one of the worst Rusicals ever. These lip synced musicals are painful to watch and I agree with you I’d rather see something like the Diva televangelists or a script that they wrote for themselves no matter how

I think Joel McHale is a great comedic performer but anytime I’ve seen him as “himself” like on a talk show or something I’ve found him to be extremely fratty and bro-y and mean spirited like he was on this. (I don’t count “The Soup” as him playing himself)

This interview reminds me of the early, early days of the AV Club, like even its pre-internet incarnation. Essentially when they started (and were still associated in most peoples’s minds with the Onion if thought about at all) they weren’t able to get interviews with big stars like they do now. Instead they did

This was . . .something. I guess since we’re coming to a close they have to resolve Abbi and Ilana’s relationship/Ilana’s romantic/sexual obsession with Abbi in some way so there had to be a more serious, almost dramedy episode at some point. It was weird having an episode almost completely devoid of the usual

This guy has to be doing a bit right?

Dude New York hasn’t been the center of the art world (in the sense of actual artists living and creating there) in fucking decades. Yes it’s the center of art MARkET because all the richest people live there and yes you can still afford to live there and make art if you’re Chuck Close but young artists have stopped

This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen posted on the internet. It’s very normal to leave New York and people do it all the time. I didn’t do it until I was 39 unlike Abbi and I’m mostly happy I did.

Yeah I really like Yvie’s drag and performances but I hate her in the work room and untucked. She’s just looking to create conflict. And her team won anyway!

Got it thanks

Okay buddy