A Blaffair to Rememblack

What you said makes some sense but that’s not how it was portrayed in the movie. What was portrayed in the movie was Rogers wanted total freedom and to have to answer to no one mostly because he was inspired by a letter Peggy Carter wrote to him which said more or less to do what he wanted and fuck everyone else. On

Yes it’s totally insane to me that Rogers thought it was reasonable that he and the other insanely powerful heroes should be above any sort of governmental authority and answerable to no one but themselves. And if that isn’t insane enough he also thought he should be able to protect his best friend who’s an

Tony was right and Rogers was insanely wrong. In this universe. In the MCU. in the “A Star is Born” Universe. In every multiverse. That anyone ever argues otherwise is insane to me.

Part of the many things that make it a good movie is that it’s actually hard to map the different factions into a typical left vs right structure. What Tony is arguing could be seen as “conservative” in that he’s basically saying let’s be an official part of the military industrial complex. OTOH he’s recognizing that

You’re absolutely right. Don’t know how I missed that

Ru’s ultra-obvious pot-stirring was one of the most desperate things I ever remember on RPDR. There’s often talk about producers manipulating things behind the scenes to create more drama or whatever here Ru just does it front of the cameras. 

Ru’s ultra-obvious pot-stirring was one of the most desperate things I ever remember on RPDR. There’s often talk about producers manipulating things behind the scenes to create more drama or whatever here Ru just does it front of the cameras. 

“Chicago Panther” = reference to the Vixen?

The political cold open has predictably become the worst part of the show. I have no idea why they feel they have to begin each episode the same way but they settled on it long ago and here we are. I routinely fast forward through it. And the content of it is really confused because the writers I’ve come to accept

Mulaney’s special, Kid Gorgeous, is him performing at Radio City Musical Hall which has a capacity of like 6,000. It’s not the Garden but that’s a lot for standup.

Yeah this was legitimately great, as close to an “A” episode as I can think of in the last few years. The only thing I’d dock it for would be the political cold open. Even that was better than usual. Kyle Mooney’s character was hilarious but I thought they could’ve done something funnier with Jim Jordan because he’s

I don’t know if it qualified as “purple” but when Jay was talking about how some people find out how close we are to death and evil all the time and some never do was incredibly well delivered. He made all these weird actorly choices about how to say it and it completely worked

I thought this was the best first episode and most promising looking group of queens in years, maybe since Season 6

Kind of. And there are a lot of video game references as well, but that’s only one of many levels it’s operating on

It was perfect. I’d hate to see them try a second season.

I thought the scene with Nadia and the Rabbi’s secretary of whatever was amazing. It isn’t often in pop culture that you see women cast as Orthodox/Conservative Jews who really look like women from those communities

Yeah I found “Smelly Pussy” Donna completely likable and I was happy that the final scene with Abbi and Ilana together had Abbi talking about all the ways Donna was trying to help her and introduce her to people and how Abbi thought of her as a real friend. 

You’re right. I should have said they’re actually good

I think I like this one better than Avengers as well. Part of the reason is exactly the same as Tom. I love the hangout comedy elements and especially the party at Stark tower, Thor’s hammer sequence etc. There’s really nothing in the first Avengers that I find comparably enjoyable, other than maybe the post credits

I know. Not only are there so many action sequences there’s barely in down time, but the plot and characterization elements aren’t that bad anyway