A Blaffair to Rememblack

I mean you’re on a computer or smartphone or something right? Do you know how to use google? 

Halsey is objectively insanely hugely famous at this point for her music. She’s dominated the charts for the last 2-3 years. She’s definitely famous enough to do the musical guest/host double. However, afaik she isn’t at all known for acting and certainly not for comedy. 

I understand what you’re saying. What I’m saying is that I don’t care. You’re stating the same point over and over again and inventing imaginary people who are disagreeing with you. I literally have zero investment in knowing the behind the scenes of how this movie got made. I’m sure there are other people here who

I agree that this was a boring, subpar episode. Acting challenges are usually pretty bad and this was no exception. The episode was somewhat redeembed though by the suspense about the elimination and the fact that it was the last one before the finale. There were so many storylines going on this was one of the few

For me Drax is somehow the heart of Guardians, even moreso than Rocket or Groot/Baby Groot who are typically seen as the heart

I thought Guardians 2 was by far the better of the two films

That’s a fair point. I guess my confusion was mostly about how this would all fit into what I understood to be a shared universe of earth bound SUPERHERO comics. Also, though star wars is of course quite popular I’m not if there have been many successful star wars ripoffs. The closest is Serenity/Firefly which was

Okay you seem to be making passionately, over and over again, a rather obscure argument about authorial credit that at least I’m not invested in at all one way or another. I’m not a James Gunn cultist (though bizarrely I was one of the first probably few thousand people to see “The Specials). In fact, I don’t like a

Not exactly though. To me it seems like Cooper’s doing his own thing as a younger slightly not as deep voiced brother of Sam Elliot

Nightcrawler? Really? There were people who like that? Gone Girl was great though

I struggled through like 5 minutes of it on HBO and got so angry I turned it off

I literally can’t believe that the same person who did the Jackson Maine voice also does Rocket Raccoon, like it seems like some kind of magic trick to me

I’ve barely read superhero comics at all and because of that I’ve been skeptical about every stage of the MCU. First it was who the fuck is Iron Man? Then it was Captain America sounds way too old fashioned and hokey to ditto for Thor to Ant Man? are you kidding me etc. I came around on all of these but you have to

One of the main things that made the Lego Movie ingenious is this: You have this endless and to me often tiresome debate between those that say legos should be like a model kit where you follow instructions and make a certain specified thing versus those who say no it should be about boundless creativity and making

I agree. I really think she’s doing a great job and she’s one of the best things about the series. I was very surprised to hear Noel Murray’s take on her performance. I don’t think she’s speaking with a “Southern accent” to my ears but more of a sort of unspecified rural and period accent. Meanwhile the character is

I think I like this show more than you but I agree that calling this fast paced is laughable. The ostensible leads haven’t even MET yet and it’s been two episodes

I think she said that Manila’s “a legend” (which is indisputable)  not that she was HER legend. Maybe you were watching some kind of director’s cut but at least in the edit I saw on VH1 Naomi never gave any kind of “assurances” to Manila. She did praise her but I don’t see how any queen would take that as an assurance

Get help please. Seriously

And how did she “act like a snake” exactly?

This the exact kind of complete nonsense I’m talking about in another comment: this idea that there’s such a thing as a more ethical (“play more fairly”) way to make the elimination decision and that to make the decision based on an other concern especially, God forbid, for strategic advantage in what is SUPPOSEDLY a