A Blaffair to Rememblack

So these aren’t real nitpicks in that they don’t stop me from watching and loving this show anyway but the weird sci-fi/fantasy concepts seemed especially wonky this week. Two things that don’t exactly bother me but I think need to be noted for the record:

No like cupcake but it’s funny that you say that because she’s super sex positive

This is the first I’ve heard of them and I like what I’ve heard and living in Cleveland I want to support them.

And once again thanks for putting this together Kyle. It’s always a highlight of the year

So “Sports” by Viagra Boys actually made Pitchfork’s Top 100 Songs of the year. I wonder how many times there’s been a crossover like that?

She gets a pass because she’s Scar Jo and at least delivers her lines in a charismatic manor unlike Jeremy Renner. And it’s totally a your mileage may vary thing but for whatever reason I guy being a “superhero” whose power is merely that he’s a normal guy who’s really good at archery will never cease to make me

Starred for the anti-Bendela shade. God I can’t stand her. Bendela Christ is so great and perfect for her self-important holier than thou attitude

I agree I was unfamilar with the song and didn’t like it much once I’d heard it. Monet and Manila did everything they could with the material and it still wasn’t that great for me

Okay buddy. You do you

It would be difficult to figure out the right metrics to figure out exactly how many people have heard of Kristen Bell via the sloth thing versus given movie roles versus like i don’t know people who are big Dax Shepard fans who know her because she’s his wife etc. And I also agree that the a casual statement in an

To say that it’s not what YOU personally know her for isn’t in any way a viable counter argument is the point. If I come off a little edgy it’s because I really can’t stand the internet thing where someone brings up their personal experience to refute some broad phenomenon. Like, “You never heard of actor such and

I haven’t seen that I was just reacting to what I’ve seen of her show on MTV, where it seems like she’s doing a very different type of comedy than TGP

You realize you’re just one person and whatever you individually know or don’t know her from doesn’t speak to what the majority of humans know her for right? If you go to youtube and search for “Kristen Bell sloth reaction” or something similar you get countless uploads each of which have millions of views and this

I’m fairly certain that the way Eleanor was crying was a direct reference to the Kristen Bell sloth thing. It’s literally the most well known thing she’s ever done as I saw her acknowledge in an interview once.

God I love this show. Don’t have any important to make but just to say how great this show continues to be and how amazing it is that they keep this high wire act going. This episode was just so fun. I really didn’t think Nicole Byers would work as part of the ensemble but the way she played her character was just

Yeah that’s what we’re pretty much all agreeing happened on this thread

Yeah it totally makes sense. It’s just Manila really had me sold on the idea that she was going to try to win and eliminate Monet by the way she was acting but I guess it really was acting

It’s not just that I think at this point there are a lot of queens, particularly younger ones, who just straight up can’t sew at all.

I agree on Valentina’s runway outfit. I thought it was horrific and “didn’t fit the brief” (curves and swerves) AT ALL as Paul Hollywood would say. It was right that she read for it and her disrespect to the judge ruined whatever small likability she’s developed this season. 

Yeah that’s what I’m trying to figure out myself. With this competition structure it would totally make sense for Manila to try to throw the lip sync to avoid any possibility of being the one to eliminate Latrice but with how emotional she was about her friendship with Latrice it seems like she really was trying to