A Blaffair to Rememblack

It is fascinating how the deranged fanbases that some queens have feature into these elimination decisions. I really did think that there some chance Monique would opt to eliminate Monet instead of Latrice simply out of fear of Latrice’s fans.

That’s a good point that the New Year’s Day is better than Christmas Day because it doesn’t force them into any Christmas theme, which can get so tiring. Also, New Year’s Day has sort of unofficially become a day for sitting around and binging shows (hungover for many) so it makes sense to have a new episode versus

I agree. It was one of only a couple or three episodes that “felt like Doctor Who” to me. It was thrilling and fun and fast paced. Really getting the proper pacing back was the best thing about it, as Caroline kind of alluded to in her recap. It really did make the Daleks seem scary and formidable again. I think the

The way she said to Trinity “Then you must win that lip sync!” (paraphrasing) was truly a telenovela/soap opera type line delivery. She’s always performing

I agree. There was no way she was going to get her performance chops up to the level of the other queens. This way she got to show off some good lewks and display some maturity/likability in her interactions with Gia. This was the bgest case scenario for her

I’m torn on whether I think Gia’s villainy makes for Great TV or not. It is entertaining on some level and perhaps needed as a corrective to years of “Best Friends Race” but it’s so obviously contrived I find it hard to get into at times

Jasmine’s drag has always been extremely basic

The only things that were impressive about Farrah’s burlesque were the costumes that she’d had designed and sewn for her. Her performance just wasn’t that strong even before she fell down. The fact that she didn’t just get up and keep going (which is like performing 101) sealed her fate. However, I still agree with

I can’t believe this shit is in the greys. I haven’t been in the greys on other Kinja sites in years what the fuck?

I was in a twitter discussion with execrable centrist Mother Jones editor Clara Jeffrey about this earlier. What people mean when they say that black people or POC don’t like Bernie what they mean is a handful of black people/POC who are power brokers within the Democratic Party don’t like him. 

I’ve never disagreed with anything HamNo wrote so much as I have his initial “please don’t run Bernie” piece. I agree his age is a huge concern but not enough to override the fact that he’s the person running who has the best politics and who has the best shot at beating Trump.

This is just subjective opinion presented like it’s a math equation. “Their music lacks any depth or musicality” is basically just saying “I don’t like them” with fancier sounding words. It’s completely subjective (and how can music lack musicality anyway?) It’s all fine and well. I don’t really like Mumford and Sons

Yeah every so often some mostly inoffensive white dude band becomes the band that everybody hates/comically exaggrerrates their hate for for reasons I can’t quite understand. For a brief moment it was Vampire Weekend for inexplicable reasons. I’m not defending Mumford and Sons or any particular band but I think the

I didn’t like it as much as you did but I thought Perkins review was too harsh, particularly on Momoa’s hosting. Momoa doesn’t have the charisma or range of the Rock (and I think it is a fair comparison as they occupy a similar place in pop culture even including Hawi’ian/Maori background) but he was still a game and

I really would’ve liked to see Graham actually really literally kill him, like with a laser gun and then the Doctor have to deal with the aftermath. That was the most interesting possible outcome. His not being able to kill him or being able to kill him and deciding to “be the better man” instead were the least

I agree. I liked this episode and thought it was one of the strongest of the season, though it didn’t reach the height of last week’s which was by far the best of the season. I agree it had a level of intensity that’s been missing in some of the episodes this year and that carried it through. Along with last week’s

They aren’t assumptions they’re inferences based on the way characters have been depicted in a work of fiction. They could be totally wrong of course and you’re right that the show is good at defying expectations but saying that something’s not accurate unless it’s been directly stated by the characters in question is

What you say makes sense but in the cosmology of the show (which is good for a TV show but still has a lot of contradictions) it seems like Shawn and the Bad Place crew really enjoy torturing people etc. so cheating so they could get basically all the souls would be appealing to them. It also would be a power play

Not in the Bad Place doesn’t equal in the good place

They’re stingy with the As around here thinking that the A is reserved for a near pefect episode of the show in question. Having said that I agree that this was an A episode of the Good Place.