A Blaffair to Rememblack

I think the point was that the French guy was too breezy and optimistic and seemed to be setting himself up for a sort of “overpromise and underdeliver” situation. 

You mean the Sharky’s Machine nod

I’ve never seen it either but isn’t it amazing how it’s become this pop culture touchstone for BCS, Venture Bros and that this all happenes around the time of Burt Reynolds’ death

The point was to show that whatever insane meticulous lengths you think that Gus Fring will go to he goes even further. Just going to the lengths to fly the French guy into Denver set up the trip from there to NM so he couldn’t possibly tell where he was etc. seemed amazing and because he seemed to competent and

Howard’s in a fucking crisis dude. You must have zero understanding of how psychotherapy works if you think the shrink should’ve fixed him instantly

Better Call Saul probably more or less works on its own but I can’t even conceive of watching it and enjoying it without having seen Breaking Bad first

As someone who’s dealt with extreme insomnia I thought Patrick Fabian’s performance was spot on.

“Bavarian Boy” truly was a victimless crime but I think you have drunk the kool-aid a bit with JImmy’s self-rationalizations here. Everything he’s saying about the cell phones is a lie. Cell phones are actually way easier to listen to by the authorities than land line phones were. And there’s nothing special at all

I actually couldn’t figure out if he was sending the proceeds on to his bosses making it look like normal sales and just showing them that he was a real hustler/salesman or if it was a side hustle and he was making extra money that he was keeping for himself i.e. selling the special “privacy” phones at a huge markup

It’s a quirk of a lot of AVC recappers that they find some “minor quibble” with their show and then just lean into it and get more and more obsessed with it the longer they recap the show. It’s especially annoying when it’s something that’s a basic facet of a show

Yeah “slight” is a good descriptor. I thought it was the weakest ep of the season so far, but I’ve found this season to be incredibly strong so that’s not super negative to say. I thought the three parter was amazing, particularly the conclusion, as was “the Inamorta Consequence”.  This squares up alongside the one

I agree about Hank and Dean. At first I thought it was weird that they seemed so interested in Pete White and Billy’s story when they’ve seen far more intense battles and crazy happenings firsthand themselves. But I do think Quiz Boy and White are about as close to friends as Hank and Dean have and they thought it was

I’m sure Mike is completely against the very idea of the support group and only goes there for Stacy. He’s probably been dying to say something like that to all of them. (Parallel that with Jimmy’s shirking therapy)

I’m not as negative as you but I am finding the Kim/Jimmy plot waaaay more interesting than the Gus/cartel machinations and I’m even finding aspets of MIke’s story to be boring. The legal/Jimmy/Kim stuff feels fresh and interesting but the other stuff is starting to feel not just like Breaking Bad, but like a whole

I agree. I don’t think that was her true reason for “observing” court (which she’s probably been doing for awhile remember when she left the Mesa Verde meeting and said she was going to the courthouse but wouldn’t say why?) I think the real reason is going to be one of those mind-blowing Vince Gilligan show twists

I’m not sure but I think I’ll go against the consensus here and say I think Mike actually was angry at Stacy for saying she wasn’t thinking about Mattie as much as she used. Whether he was angry at HER or just angry about the reality of the situation I think he was angry and that’s why he took it out on Marc Evan

It’s the most you ever see one of those guys communicating!

This is a keen observation

And of course there’s an early pre-License to Ill Beastie Boys track named “Cookie Puss” after the Carvel item

Dammit Wack Handlin’s back. I was hoping he’d resigned from doing these recaps.